Chapter 4 - The Hunter

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   Loui sniffed the dead corpse hunching over by the wall. tilting his head he trotted back over to you. You two had been searching the small stores that littered the street, traveling down south of the city.

"nothing but looted vending machines and shelves.." you looked around as you spoke to yourself. being by yourself with no one but a dog, you tend to do that. A few infected had been outside, they were starting to slowly close in on the store you were currently in. as if they had caught your scent.

"shit. looks like were trapped in here until the horde clears out."

you looked at loui who was sitting near the door. his ears erect. youd need to block the door, at least until the horde dispersed.

you went to the storage room of the store and took some crates, heaving them over to the door. putting anything heavy enough, but also light enough that you can lift, to block the entrance and exit.

unbeknownst to you, there had been a visitor somewhere in the vents of the store, watching your every move.

"there, we should be safe in here for a while." loui had looked up at the airvents. emitting a low growl. you immedietiely followed his gaze, readying your weapon.

"or maybe not.."

a loud SLAM echoed through the floor as the grate from the ceiling clashed to the ground.

"SHIT!" you nearly jumped as you ran to the counter, hiding behind it. you looking around for loui but you couldnt find him. where the hell did that damn dog go?!

The hunter leapt from the vent down to the floor with a loud THUMP. you clutched your weapon to your chest, you could hear your heart beating as it slowly began to look for you.

You peeked your head to see where it was...

its gone?

you slowly lifted your self up from the counter. the hunter was looking at you, as it stood in the middle of the store.

jesus fuck these things are like ninjas!

it started to run toward you when loui grabbed  its leg and started pulling it down. it let out a loud snarl as it whacked him away. loui hit his back against one of the various shelves in the store. but before it could turn you readied your weapon and WHAM!

knocked the thing right out.

it took you a while to realize you had just knocked out a hunter and it infact was not dead. you quickly ran over to your dog.

"hey boy."

it looked up at you, whining.

"your tough arentcha?  taking on a hunter like that?"

he tucked his legs underneath himself before pushing himself off the ground. he was a bit wobbly at first but he managed. you scratched the back of his ear as he licked your face, you laughed.

you looked behind you, looking at the unconciouss hunter. you had almost forgotten he was there.

"what do we do with him boy?"

you felt a pang of hurt in your chest. you slowly got up, walking over to the hunter and crouching down by it. you pulled back its hood, revealing the blood and dirt on its face. this thing was once a normal human being. its maw covered in dry and new blood. it didnt even have its eyes anymore. just closed slits. its hair dirty and matted with dried up blood in it.

were you really going to kill this thing? you had to... or maybe....

Time Skip

it took a while but the horde dispersed rather quicker then you thought. you looked over to the tied up unconcious hunter. though you knew the bonds wouldnt hold him, you felt slightly better with them on. only slightly.

you took this chance to leave the convenience store before it had the chance to wake up, loui following in pursuit. you didnt have the heart to kill the thing, not after looking at its face. at his face.

pushing away the thought you began venturing out, unbeknownst to you a certain infected had awoken from its uncouncious rest, trying to move its arms but feeling them bound, it let out a piercing screech out of annoyance and anger for letting you get away that you had heard, sending a shiver down your spine you decided to make haste and quicken your distance from the store. though you know full well once a hunter sets his eyes on his prey, he doesnt intend on losing it.

(a/n) yay new chapter out. sorry its sooo late. one of my problems is never dinishing a story. ill try really hard to finish this one. im just really lazy, i wont surgarcoat it. the last part of the chapter will seem a bit rushed, mostly cus it was and ive been putting this chapter off for way to long. but i do hope you enjoyed! peace.


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