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"Solus, just give me the armor.", Megatronus growled." Please, just make this easier on the both of us."

Solus just gripped her weapon tighter." And I already told you that I will not give it to you or Liege Maximo.", she snapped." I do not trust him."

Megatronus glared at her." It is not your place to trust him; he requested the armor, and you made it for him. It belongs to him.", he said." Solus, just give it to me please. You know I don't want to hurt you."

Solus glared at her fellow Prime." I can detect the taint of Unicron on you, Megatronus.", she snapped." You have been deceived by Liege.", she snapped, still standing in front of the case that held the armor she had made for Liege, the Forge gripped in her servos tightly.

"It's not your place to tell me who I have been deceived by! Primus only teaches us half of the power that exists in the universe, and keeps the rest hidden. He's afraid we will overthrow him!", he said." We should. We could rule ourselves. Liege has been plotting it, but I could easily overpower him. And you could rule by my side, Solus. You know how I feel about you.", he said, his optics pleading.

"And what about the others? What if they don't agree with your rule, or your mutiny against Primus?", she said, meeting his optics." I will not condone violence, Megatronus."

He laughed at that." Yet you are our head weapons maker!", he said." How does that not condone violence?", he said with a snort.

"Those weapons are meant to be used in our battle against Unicron, not against each other.", she said." And do not bring me into this, Megatronus. We could never beat Primus, with or without this mystical knowledge you claim Primus is keeping from us. Did you ever think that maybe he is keeping it from us for a reason?", she asked." Maybe it is dangerous knowledge.", she said.

Megatronus shook his head." There is no such thing.", he said." Knowledge is knowledge.", he said." It is only dangerous to a bot if they deem it so, or if it threatens them themselves.", he said.

Solus shook her head." Megatronus, you are talking of betrayal. Leave my forge, and I will forget you ever said anything.", she said." And if you continue down this path, I can guarantee you that I will not be going with you. It is power, or me.", she said.

"I will leave, if you give me the armor.", he said. She glared at him, shifting her stance a bit.

"No. Now leave, Megatronus.", she snapped.

"Make me.", he said, before he lunged forward, intent on merely knocking her to the side. Instead, she swung the Forge, catching him in the side and flinging him away. He leapt back up, and rushed at her again, this time successfully tackling her.

"Solus, stop! Just give me the armor!", he said, not wanting to hurt the femme. She just glared at him, and tried to kick him off." Never!", she hissed. A scuffle soon ensued, both Primes trying to keep the other away from the armor. It started to get more and more frenzied, at one point both standing up and grappling, before there was a loud bang, and Megatronus stopped, shocked.

Solus stood there, a large blast mark in her chest, before she crumpled to the ground. Megatronus dropped down on his knees, cradling her head in his lap." No, Solus, stay with me. Please, it was an accident, please don't go offline.", he said frantically. Solus just looked up at him, taking his servo in hers, and was about to say something, when the light died from her optics, and she went limp, her servo slipping from Megatronus'. He let out a roar of rage, blasting the armor behind them to bits, before he scooped her up, and hurried out of her forge. Maybe if he got her to Primus quick enough, he could save her...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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