It's Where My Demons Hide-Chapter 2

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Hello everyone! So how are you?

I just got back from seeing "Noah" and "Captain America the Winter Soldier".

Both were great and I suggest you see both :)

Onwards my friends!

Chapter 2

I walked into the office and was greeted by a chorus of “hey”s and “hi”s from the staff who was already there. I waved back and went straight to my desk to start working on a video. Eventually, the chairs next to me became occupied as Joshua, Matt, and Mari came in. It was about an hour before I realized that today was Game Bang day.

Game Bangs were the worst. It was the hardest to keep under control. Maybe it’s the fact he could easily kill a bunch of people or maybe it’s just when he thinks I start to let my guard down but whatever it is, it’s not fun to try and play a video game and also try to not kill all of your friends.

When Ian and Anthony had arrived at the office a few hours later, I knew that it was time. I took a deep breath and turned off the game.

Please just leave me alone. Please.

Never, it's just too much fun. You get so scared, it's hilarious.

"Come on Lasercorn!" I heard Anthony shout.

"One sec!" I replied and closed out of my game of Portal 2. I put on my best fake smile and hoped that nothing would go wrong.


Today's Game Bang game was Mario Kart 64, we had played this game before but that time it was on battle mode. This time we were doing races. You got points based on what place you got the game. 1st got 1 point, 2nd got 2, 3rd got 3 etc. So you wanted to have the lowest score. Anthony was Mario, Ian was Bowser, Matt was Yoshi, Josh was Luigi and I was Wario.

I was doing fairly well in the game. Anthony of course was winning being the Nintendo fanboy he was. Mari was not surprisingly in last with Josh following not so far behind. So far everything seemed to be going okay. Just the normal pain and normal whispers, nothing I hadn't learned to tolerate. During the last race, one that I was fortunately , he decided that this could not stand.

The pain in my head sharply increased causing me to flinch. Ian, who had noticed looked over. "You okay?" He whispered loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough for anyone to notice. I nodded in reply although I wasn't. The pain was only getting worse and it was harder to not go insane. After the race was over and Mari and Josh got shells thrown at them by the rest of them. We mainly focused our fire on Josh though.

When I was on my 3rd shell I flinched again causing me to drop it. It shattered into 2 pieces. I looked up and saw Ian looking at me again. Questions were definitely going to be asked. We continued throwing until all of us were out of shells and we turned to face the cameras for the outros.

"Game Bang!" We all shouted out of sync. We gave out high fives and then went to go do other things. Anthony went to visit Kalel, Matt went to do a Top 5 Saturday and Joven was doing a vlog for his channel. I wasn't sure what Ian was doing but I honestly didn't care. I was going insane and I was sure my eyes were starting to turn black. They did that when he took control.

I ran into the bathroom and found that my suspicions had been confirmed. My eyes were getting darker and darker and the pain was getting worse and worse. I sat down and willed everything to stop. All of the sudden, there was a knock on the door.

"Dude, are you okay?" I heard Ian call from outside the bathroom.

"Um...yeah I'm fine," I replied in the most normal voice I could manage.

"...Alright," Ian responded, not sounding reassured at all. I stared back down at the floor, grasping my head in pain. It felt like I had been shot in my head. The screams in my head kept getting louder and louder and he just laughed maniacally.

Stop! Stop please! I was on the verge of tears at this point, I couldn't take it anymore. Please!

"Please..." I spoke barely audible. I tucked my head into my chest and rolled into the fetal position and began to cry. The pain started to fade away little by little along with the screams until they both were gone. I took a few deep breaths, still crying.

Why couldn't everything just be over?

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! 

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