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*Jihoon POV*

"Jihoonieee~? Pleaseeee comeee~ I don't wanna be alone." A pouty Soonyoung whines as he tugs on my shoulder. A sigh escapes my lips as I try to ignore his pleads and continue writing notes in my notebook.

"Soonyoung." I started, stilling not looking up. "You know I'm not a big fan of parties. Besides, I have a song that I wanna finish by tomorrow." My pencil tapped against my lip, not comprehending what was happening until my hands reached out in front of me.
"Soonyoung! Give it back." My small hands reached towards the smiling boy.
I guess not even my attitude can keep that boy from smiling.

"This is a really good song, Woozi~" The boy cooed and I rolled my eyes but a smile appeared anyway, even though I tried to stop it.
"But seriously! Come with meee." He gave the book back and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling my lime colored head closer to him. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was pouting again.
A huff of defeat left my throat and it seemed Soonyoung knew I was agreeing, seeing he was now smiling and giggling. He really is too cute. (no homo).

"Good! Now go get ready~ We're leaving in 10." He smiled and ran out the room. I'm assuming he is getting ready himself.

*At the party*

I covered my ears at the pounding music that found it's way through my eardrums. I groan internally, annoyed that I allowed Soonyoung to make me come here. I knew I should have used my guitar.

"Jihoon-hyung!" I turned my head towards the sound and noticed Mingyu waving and walking over. He gave a smile. "I didn't expect you to come today. Usually parties aren't your thing." He said, a bit skeptical.

I sighed. "Yeah, i came here with Soonyoung cause he would shut-" i stopped as I looked around, noticing the black haired boy was gone. "Where the fuck did he go?! He made me come here." I pouted. A faint laughter was heard next to me, but it was muffled slightly due to the music.

Turning towards Mingyu, I noticed it was him who was laughing. "Soonyoung-hyung? He is with the others in the back room. We were just about to play a game." He explained and I ran a hand through my lime colored hair, walking with Mingyu to where the others were.

We ended up in a rec room type of place, all 11 of the others were sitting in a circle. Mingyu immediately took a seat next to Wonwoo. I looked around, before shyly slipping in next to Soonyoung, with Hansol next to me as well.

"While you guys were gone, we decided to play 'Never Have I Ever'. How about it?" Seungcheol spoke above everyone else and they all seemed to agree. I sat there, not saying anything. I was embarrassed to say I didn't know how to play.
"Everyone has 10 fingers up and as we go around in a circle, one person says, 'Never have i ever..something'. And if you have done that, then you put a hand down. If not you don't. Once only one person is left, they win." I looked over at Soonyoung as he explained, kinda glad he caught my confusion. I smiled lightly.

"Alright then! I'll go first, hm?" Jeonghan spoke up, he was next to Seunhcheol and Jisoo. "Never have I ever tried to cut my own hair." He said and I looked around, noticing Seokmin, Chan, and Seungkwan had all put their fingers down. Mental note to not let them have scissors.

The game continued on, going in a circle. Everyone had at least two fingers down. Now, it was Minghao's turn. He had 8 fingers up as he closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He opened them then spoke up. "Hm. Never have I  ever kissed someone." He said and nearly everyone in the circle, with some exceptions put their fingers down. I glanced over at Soonyoung's hands, he put one down as well.

I didn't.

I mean, I never kissed anyone. Heck, i've never been in a relationship.

"Wait!" I heard the voice next to me, which was my smiley best friend. "Jihoon, why are you lying?" He asked, pointing to my fingers. I widened my eyes and my head tilted.

"What? What do you mean? I never kissed anyone, Soonyoung." I spoke before I saw him coming a bit closer. My breath was caught in my throat and before I could do anything, a pair of soft lips were planced on mine. My eyes widened even more and I slowly felt myself melting into the kiss.

This is my first kiss. My first kiss is with Kwon Soonyoung. My best friend since we were in diapers, basically.

I didn't know what to do, but eventually he pulled away. Our foreheads rested against each other. It was like the rest of the group was gone and it was just me and Soonyoung. Time seemed to have stopped as I felt his hot breath hitting my skin. I seemed to have jumped back into reality with his next few words.

"I think you should put your finger down now."

Never Have I Ever [Soonhoon One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now