Chapter Three

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            The crisp fall air proved to be my enemy, as I had no jacket to provide extra warmth in the outside. My parents had the idiotic idea for me to spend to outside to "help restore my mental health." So, I had an angry outburst in class and broke a mirror in the school's bathroom in the same day- but it was for a perfectly good reason! I needed to get rid of Edward. He had been in my head, swarming me and taunting me- telling me to confess, that he knew what I did and that I wouldn't get away with it.

I didn't care about the false accusations that he made and all the threats he threw around- the last straw for me was when he started saying horrible things about Hattie.


"Leave me alone." I whispered. Edward smiled tauntingly. Hattie leaned back in her seat while Mrs. Clark wrote some complicated math problem on the whiteboard.

"Who are you talking to? I've heard you say, 'stop it,' 'shut up,' and 'leave me alone' from you at least five times in this period. What's up?" From the look in her large brown eyes, I could tell she was being sincere. I couldn't tell her- she would never believe me.

"Nothing. Solving these problems hasn't been easy today." I lied. She seemed skeptical, but she sat back up in her seat. I looked around the room- Edward had disappeared.

"Oh, what to do about Hattie... Tsk, it's a shame that relationships are so damn hard in prison." Edward was sitting in a chair next to Hattie and gazing at her.

"She has a nice ass. I never noticed, despite the long periods I spent looking at it."

"Shut up." I gritted my teeth. Edward smirked.

"Why? You know I'm right. Oh, the stories I could tell you about her- but where should I start? Maybe in the janitor's closet? The bathroom in Chili's? Your bathroom?" He taunted. I felt a tear slip out of my eye and run down my cheek.

"Please, just stop." I pleaded. He chuckled evilly.

"But we never did. You know- that whole 'humble-small-town-girl' person is a total fake. You should see her in bed- she's fierce. A whole different side of her..."

"May I use the bathroom, Mrs. Clark?" I asked begged. Mrs. Clark looked back at me.

"No." She faced the board again. I felt a tear roll down the other cheek and Edward laughed at me.

"Oh! Rejecteeeeeeed! Man- that's like what happened the other day with Hattie, isn't it? Rejection."

"SHUT UP ALREADY! STOP IT AND GO AWAY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He felt myself break into complete tears. My entire math class stared at me, gaping. Mrs. Clark looked concerned at me. My heart rate quickened and I couldn't breathe. They were all looking at me- oh God they were looking at me. Why won't they stop...

I grabbed my backpack off my chair and the pencil and papers off my desk and I ran. I bolted out of that class and ran down the hallway to the guys bathroom. Once inside I slid to the bottom of the dusty floor and let myself cry.

"Aw. Look at the crybaby cry. Quit your bitching and get up. There'll be time to cry when you're getting booty-raped in prison because you dropped the soap." Edward taunted me. I screamed loud and fully- the type you scream when you aren't afraid or hurt. It's the scream you scream when you have had enough, when you are terrified and sick of life, the scream you scream when you can't take it anymore.

What I Tried to Forget (A "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Modernized Retelling)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum