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He hated it. He absolutely hated it when Uma compared herself to Mal. So what if Mal, Jay, Carlos and Evie were at Auradon. That only left them to rule the Isle. But Uma didn't see it that way.

"I can't believe those four were chosen to go to Auradon!" Uma yelled, throwing a tray at the television. "Just yesterday they were wreaking havoc down the street and today they've been  whisked away to the land of preppy pink princesses and crowns."

"I still don't see why you're so upset," Gil replied, earning a glare from Uma, and of course Harry. Harry had to always agree with his captain. It was his job as first mate and best friend to always be on Uma's side.

"I'm upset," Uma grabbed Gil by his collar and pulled him towards her. Harry tried to ignore the feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Because I wasn't chosen," Uma hissed. "Mal always gets what she wants. Just because her mother is supposedly the best villain there has ever been." Uma spit on the ground. "The day that's true is the day that pigs fly."

"Oh," was Gil's pathetic reply. Uma released him and he fell to the ground. Gil scurried away on all fours, terrified of Uma. Harry rolled his eyes. He really was an idiot sometimes.

"I am so sick and tired of Mal getting everything!" Uma yelled. "She's always been the most cunning, most hated, most powerful. And now? She has the opportunity to get out of the hell hole."

"I overheard my dad talking with his drinking buddies that Maleficent had planned to use Mal and her friends to steal Fairy Godmother's wand," Gil said. Uma growled and threw a glass at him. Gil ducked and it shattered on the wall behind him. Uma pushed her way out of the restaurant. Harry glared at Gil.

"You should really learn to shut up," Harry snapped, going after Uma. he knew when they were younger, there was only one place Uma would go when she was upset. he had found her here crying the day Mal had called her shrimp. And there she was now, so many years later, practically an adult, hunched over and crying like she did as a child. 

"Go away," she said, not removing her head from between her knees.

"No," Harry said firmly. "Not when you're upset."

Uma looked up and wiped away her tears. "I'm not."

harry sat next to her and gave her a look. "You don't fool me."

"It's just... she always gets everything. Everything I have ever wanted."

"She's not that great."

"didn't you and her have a thing last year?" Uma said, looking at him.

Harry gulped. She really had to bring that up now. "Maybe. But she didn't want anything so I'm over it."

Uma scoffed. "No you're not."

"No, I'm not."

Uma sighed. Mal had everything she wanted. Everything.

"But I will be," Harry said, pulling Uma into a hug. "You'll be fine. We can rule the Isle together."

"With Gil?"

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, him too."

Uma smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. Maybe Mal didn't have everything  anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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