The Time of The Dark Angels

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Many people don't even question the fact of souls or other realms or beings. They just shove the thoughts away, not wanting to confuse themselves especially with their other beliefs.

Well they shouldnt. And Im proof of that.

The name given to me by my human parents is Eve. But Im more than just a human. Much more. My soul, my inner being is a type of angel. A powerful being, more powerful than anything known of on earth.

This is NOT the type of angel that comes to mind with the white wings in heaven. Oh no. She has black wings, is at least nine feet tall, and long flowing hair the color of the night sky. She and the other beings live in another realm and somehow, I became a type of vessel for her.

Its all very confusing to be honest, but I see her in my dreams, and I often get to speak with her. Often I believe that she is in more control of me than I am. But she is me. I am her.

One of my friends is in the similar situation as me, he told me about all of this. Its so... intriguing. All of it. And I want to know more. I will find out more. I can do this.

These beings. Angels, Succubi, Wolves, Vampires. They all exist. Maybe not in the way that we know them. But they do.

This is my story. Of my experiences. Human, and Dark Angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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