chapter 14 a race against time

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Terra's pov
It felt like we were being dragged underground which we pretty much were. It felt like there was no end and we were just going to keep falling. However we fell on the ground. Each one of us making a splat noise. It was actually quite big down here. It looked mystical and the ground was glowing blue. The silence was broken by inferno "how do we find the next aeros now!" he yelled in annoyance. Starla just glared at him trying to keep her remark in but she couldnt. "IF YOU DIDNT WASTE OUR TIME WE WOULD HAVE THE NEXT AEROS BY NOW." she snapped. "Your blabbering wont help us now" dillon said.

I looked ahead to see if there was anything down here and i saw a dark shadow. It looked like a dragon but i couldnt really make out what it was. It spoke. "Your magic wont work down here" this made everyone turn and be aware of the peculiar figure. "State your name" aeroxia adressed him formally. He started emerging from the shadows. He was in fact a dragon. He had glowing yellow eyes. 2 spiked tails, long white horns, large yellow wings, and spikes along his back. He was a dark blue colour. "I am chrishovo. The last aeros. The aeros of time." he bowed, everyone gasped in a strange harmony.

Starla was the first to speak "hello sir" she bowed. He gestured at us to follow him so we did. "I have all the answers to all your questions. I am the one who knows all. I am the one who brought you here." he began to explain.

"All the aeros are now united. I knew that i would have to bring you here once the 8th aeros was found. But first before the disturbance wipes us all out you guys need training. We must be 100 percent ready without letting our guard down and not a single one of you is there. Only when your peace tranquility and knowledge are synchronized can you truly be ready."

"Aeroxia. The storm aeros you are strong theres no denying that. However your temper needs to be at normal level. You are to easily frustrated."
Aeroxia took his statement as an insult to her but knew deep down he was right.

"Cyrix. The ice aeros. You are too cocky about your abilities. Remember we are not facing an oponant. We are facing the elements themselves"
Cyrix took this information well

"Dillon. The earth aeros. You are tranquil but you still dont completely understand the world around you. In order to be successful you must first fully understand all of the elements."
Dillon looked up to chrishovo and took his advice

"Inferno. The fire aeros. You are extremely childish and immature. You need to take this matter more seriously and stop taking everything so lightly."
Inferno rolled his eyes

"Lilliana. The wind aeros. You take the elements for granted. Be warned, the elements are not like an oponant. They dont really have a weakness and can be easily as strong or even stronger than an oponant. Learn this"
Lillana agreed.

"Starla. The lightning aeros. You are too focused on your emotions rather than the task at hand. Try to set aside your personal feelings and become more aware of what you need to do"
Starla found chrishovo insulting but ignored it.

"Terra. The galaxy aeros. You are way to focused on your own personal beliefs, you doubt the elements and if the others will do their job well. Trust is just as important as power. If you cant trust who you are working with all will be lost."
He just exposed my secret and the way i feel about everyone. He just exposed my secret.. My trust issues...

"Thymina. The water aeros. You expect to much of yourself and worry about your ability. Its like this. If you worry to much about wether or not your going to fail you end up failing. Have faith in yourself"
This sent thymina into deep thought.

"So there you have it. Working on this is our only hope."

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