The Beginning

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The whole town is eerie, silent, dead.

Not a single sound could be heard outside not even a bird squeak, the streets are deserted, usually, the road on the side of the house would have cars driving past but for the past three days not even a distant siren or engine could be heard.

Pin drop silence.

The weather seemed to suit the mood of the town; damp and cold, not that it was any different to its usual manner. The majority of the time it was damp and cold but you wouldn't notice it because it was the norm and people in this town seemed to have gotten over it. But now, it felt different even the weather seemed to feel super natural and disturbed.

The silence is eventually suddenly distanced by a quiet car noise from a heading closer towards the house and empty streets. The car turned into the street and parked right in front of the drive and cut the engine off, after thirty seconds, Ava got out as carefully as she could without making any noise and scanned the area before she ran to the side of the house and through a boarded door that would be naked to the normal eye.

She dropped the black carrier bag on the table and began to take off her jacket and hat.

"Did you see anyone?" A voice asked from the dark, this made Ava jump, she immediately pulled out her knife; her typical reflex for the past week. As soon as she saw the face come out of the darkness she slowly put her knife into the back of her trousers. Ava did not feel like responding, that's how she has been since all of this started, she chose to speak if it was completely necessary, the extra conversation seemed pointless and a waste of her energy.

The voice belonged to Ava's younger brother Josh, who seems to have been sitting in the dark since hearing the car engine from a distance. It has been the only noise that was familiar to him since there were no other cars in the area or any other place that they were aware of.

"Have you got the pain killers then? Mum is burning up." Ava's brother carried on questioning her as though Ava was responding to them, he was getting used to her silence although, it was frustrating him because he didn't understand the reason behind it. He just wanted the Ava back the one that would give witty remarks or sarcastic remarks the sister he was used to and grew up with. But the sister he once knew a week ago seemed to be lost in her own mind.

"Make sure she keeps drinking water, I'll reheat some soup and bread and bring it down for both of you." Ava finally responded, she handed the pain killers to her brother and dismissed him at the same time. She felt as though she had nothing else to say, she didn't know how to.

Ava felt a hint of guilt for being so cold towards him but quickly pushed it aside, there is no point in delving in feelings at this time, one minute you're feeling guilty for not making conversation and the next minute you're feeling guilty for putting a knife through their skull.

Ava drew in a deep sigh and started on the soup quickly and quietly; the less noise the less trouble she had to deal with. She stored the medicine into the backpack with all the other emergency necessities. So, if they needed to escape as soon as possible then it would be all ready and packed to take along. It contained a first aid kit, three different knives, a plucker, a pair of sharp scissors and a radio. She didn't know why she kept the plucker and sharp scissors but she felt as though they would come in handy.

The town has been turned upside down and Ava wasn't sure if they were the only people that were not infected by this supernatural disease. So far the only human contact she came across was the pharmacist today but then she had to put a knife through his skull because he turned due to being bitten by one of those walking dead beings. Josh and Ava knew that being bitten turns you or if you die then that also turns you, yet there was no valid explanation as to what was causing all of this. The world went crazy, social media reporting, tv reporting within the first two or three days and then everything went silent. No network, barely any service unless you go wandering off seeking service, which was dangerous because the roamers were everywhere. Before Avas neighbours were infected they were all getting ready to head to Mexico where there was a small group of people that had created a community and were safe from this infection that had taken over the world. They were all supposed to head there but things took a wrong turn when the neighbours turned, Ava and Josh had to be the ones to put them down and that completely knocked Ava off her senses and dutifully into survival mode only.

Heading down the stairs towards the basement she hears her brother and mother having a conversation with her. Her mother's voice seemed, even more, weaker than yesterday.

"She's still mute, even if you're asking her an important question" Josh seemed frustrated.

"Leave her to it Josh, it's not easy putting down your friends is it?"

"I was there as well mum, I had to put down Mr Ashwell, but you do not see me shutting out everyone."

"Just be you, she'll come around" her mum struggled with the last sentence and it seemed as though she was out of breath. Ava decided to walk in just as Josh finished off his sentence. "I don't have a choice do I?"

They both went quiet as soon as they heard her footsteps, the only sound you could hear now was Ava dragging a stool across the room towards her mothers resting place.

The basement was situated within the house and completely hidden from anyone whether you were human or inhuman you wouldn't be able to realise that there is a hidden basement. They could be loud as they can and still wouldn't get heard by anyone.

Their father designed this a year ago with the persistence of Ava and Josh, they wanted to make a secret location to disappear to like a secret room after seeing it on a tv programme three years ago. Their father agreed to help them if they did well on their final exams. So during that summer the three of them planned the secret room and executed the plan. During the progress of the secret basement, their mother would complain about how it was a waste of their time and energy and that they should be outside causing trouble instead of being cooped up at home and obsessing over a secret hideout. To think how her mother must be regretting those words now.

The basement was spacious and very quirky and it took their father a year to build and to make sure that it was as modern as possible, heck you even needed a thumb print identity to get in like the way you'd unlock your iPhone and even a digit code lock for back up. Their father was in the MI6 and had access to a lot of their high-end gadget and friends that worked closely with them.

Ava's plans for this year was to join the MI6 alongside her father but that month he was being nothing like himself and always caught talking to himself and on edge if there was a phone call or if the doorbell rang. It was as though someone or something was coming for him. In the end, he was the first to turn in the house and their mum had to put him down after trapping him down in the basement.

Her dad always told Ava that she had natural instincts of an MI6 agent and was born to be in the force. She was always one step ahead but this...this she did not see coming and was not prepared to lose her best friend. Pushing back possible tears she began to feed her mother. Her fever was getting worse and worse and no matter how much antibiotics she was getting her mother's fever was persistent and still very much active. One of the signs of becoming inhuman was a clingy fever that will not die down which meant that she might have to put down her mother too. 

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