Chapter 2~ I'm in love with you.

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Louis' POV

Maybe today isn't so bad after all.

Maybe I spoke to soon. The boy with obviously dyed blonde hair that had helped me earlier is coming to this table and he's giving me a death glare. Maybe he's one of Harry's friends. Hopefully he likes me. I really want friends this year since it is my senior year. "So Lou, you're a senior right?" Harry asked causing the gaze I had on the blonde to break so I could answer him. But since the nickname caught me off guard I only blushed and nodded.

"Harry, what're you doing siting by the dumpster? Thats gross mate. C'mon lets go to our table." The 'blonde' lad said walking up to the table Harry and I were sat at.

"Can Louis come? Oh. Louis, Niall. Niall, Louis." Harry asked, then introduced us to eachother.

Niall seemed disgusted with me. Like I was flirting with his girlfriend or something. "Yeah that's alright. But I need to talk to you Hazza it's really important." Niall sighed he sounded upset. I couldn't help but notice the practical heart eyes he was giving Harry. Were they together? No Harry is probably as straight as a ruler no guys would have a chance with him unfortunately.

"C'mon Lou let's go to the table over there. What was it you wanted to talk about Niall?" Harry looked at Niall, he seems oblivious to the heart eyes that Niall is giving him.

"I um can we talk in private Haz?" Niall stuttered out.

"Anything you wanna say to me you can say in front of Lou now go on." Harry laughed he's so nice and oblivious. Poor Niall.

"I've been in love with you since I moved across the street from you Harry. It's wrong I know I just can't hide my feelings anymore. I love you. You have to feel the same way. You have to. I see the way you look at me. You look at me like I mean the world to you. Please don't tell me you don't feel the same please."

So yeah Niall is in love with Harry. Oh look I updated after 90202992877189202 years thank you to those who've read this ily thanks to those who vote and comment as well ily 😘💕💞

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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