The Sun Must Always Set

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Mitch's POV

  After dealing with a little kid screaming behind me the whole flight, I was ready to see my Bacca. While I got off the plane, I felt my phone buzz, then heard Jerome's voice doing a little laugh, then saying 'I won the hunger deens!'. This was my text message tone for him.

  I pulled out my phone, looking at the message under the title of 'biggums'.

  'You there yet? I just set out to get you.' It said. He would be about ten minutes depending on traffic. I texted him a quick answer, then sat down and waited.

Jerome's POV

  I was half way to the airport when I saw a wreck on the side of the road. I was watching it when I accidentally must have run a red light. All I felt was a sudden movement, and then I saw nothing.

  I woke up in a hospital, Adam, Ty, and Jason next to my bed.

  "What happened?" I asked, then realised Mitch wasn't there. I knew how much he would flip out if I didn't show up to get him. "Where's Mitch!?"

  "Calm down, Ryan went to get him." Adam said, biting his lip. He looked like he had been crying.

  "Jerome, you got in a wreck... they said you might not be able to walk again..." Ty said, running his fingers through his long hair. I noticed that he was holding Adams hand.

  "Oh," I muttered. It must not have hit me yet, but now I noticed that I couldn't feel my legs, and my face hurt. My hand moved of its own accord, and it landed on bandages.

  They felt moist and a dull throb of pain made my head spin. Jason looked worried, and I frowned.

  "What do I look like?" I asked softly, but before anybody could reply, the door opened.

  "Jerome!" Mitch's voice made me try and sit up, but he was next to my bed in an instant, holding me down. I looked up into his eyes and saw tears. I reached up as they spilled down his cheeks and wiped them away.

  "Could I talk to him alone?" I asked, and the others nodded. When they were gone, I held my arms open so the boy could embrace me. His body shook in my arms, and his hands gripped at my hospital gown. My own hands rubbed down his back.

  "They said you couldn't walk," he said softly after the tears had subsided. He now sat in a chair next to my bed, acting as if he hadn't just cried his eyes out. I moved and rolled, my hand reaching out to grab the boys.

  "I'll find a way," I replied, just then realising the harshness of reality. If I couldn't walk, I would need someone to care for me. I wouldn't be able to do half the things I loved. I could never swim or drive or anything again.

  A harsh pain in my chest made tears come to my eyes. I was stuck looking into Mitch's eyes. It would be so hard to do anything with him. I still loved him.

  "Jerome..." He whispered, then leaned forward to kiss me. I knew what he was doing, I should've pulled back. I couldn't break the boys heart though.

  The kiss was so soft, it was like kissing a girl, but this sparked something inside me. I wanted to walk and run and swim and do all of these things. I wanted to get better, all for Mitch.

  We had to separate to soon, but Mitch smiled, standing and going to the door to open it. Now Ryan, Adam, Ty, and Jason filed in.

  "Well how's that for being loved. Now I know how to get all the attention." I joked, making the others laugh. I wanted them to know I was okay.

  "So someone can't walk," Ryan said, then I looked up.

  "Wait, how did you guys know Mitch was coming?"

  "Well, they gave us your stuff, and your phone started ringing off the hook. We ended up answering and finding out about it." Jason answered, and I nodded.

  "Sounds good. But you guys know I'm going to walk again, right?" I said, and Mitch winced beside me.

  "How...?" He asked, and I grinned.

  "That's for me to know and you to find out."

Losing My Love(Merome)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن