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Today is the day of the 74th annual hunger reaping in district 2 there are loaf of children between the ages of 12-18 .
There is one girl called Clove and she looks to her left and sees Cato who she has a crush on and hope that they can talk to each other, the names of the two tributes are about to be reaped and the games lady says"the female tribute for district 2 is " takes the piece of paper out of the bowl "Clove, come on up dear "
Clove starts to walk out of her place and start to head up to the games lady that has just reaped her.
"And the male tribute for district 2" take the piece of paper of the bowl "Cato ,come on up dear"
Cato starts to walk out of his place and starts to head up to the games lady that has just a reaped him.
"People of district 2 here are you tributes for this years hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favour "

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