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"Hey, Ben! Hey wake up! No, no." He heard her calling him, words passing through him into halo that air became. "Ben, breath. Come on! You can do it. You can't leave me. Don't go. Breath." Waves of his hair turned slick with sweat, like crumbled mountain peaks distorted and fallen apart.
"It is ok. You are ok. They are coming. It is all right. Breath." The air, there was no air, her hand holding his. He grabbed her sleeve.
If monsters find them, they will save them and again he will fall in their hands like that day... and... no no... Her eyes were green and grey and blue. The valley where peace lives, is living inside of her. Her eyes brought him feeling of sense and tranquility. He was in valley and she was holding his hand and world was quiet.
"You are okay. " she keeps repeating and he was gone:

Where valley meets the sea;
Where you are with me;
Somwhere where the air is easy to breath;
I hold your hand;
You hold my heart;
And everything is all right.

They found the girl and the boy in embrace. Neither was breathing.
The soft hum of some sad song was echoing through elevator, saying goodbye as accidental lovers were departing with their bodies.
And the song goes on:

We are night;
You and me, my love;
Nothing can hurt the stars;
Not when we are this far.

If she could've told him one last thing, she would tell him to never get rid of waves that were making his hair. Oh, and to always stay so little and beautiful. To never grow up. If there had been time, she would have used her last portion of air to tell him that she doesn't want to see him ever change.

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