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I walked to my bathroom and put all my clothes on the sink and hung my towels up on the rack. I turn the nob for hot then cold and got it just how I wanted. I undressed myself then climbed into the shower, not that long after I hear the door open. "Grayson, is that you?" I got no response then I seen him climb into the shower with me "wassup baby" he smiled at me. "you could have at least responded when I asked if it was you" I gave him an annoyed look and he just laughed. "you're too cute when you're mad." I just looked at him and picked up the shampoo bottle. "I need a shower anyway. You're not the only who smelled like vodka and sex. We're saving water." He smiled real big and I laughed at him.

-after shower-

"Hey babe, you want 2 grilled cheeses right?" I heard Grayson yell from the kitchen. "yeah thank you againnn" I stretched my sentence out. I slowly creeped up on him and wrapped my arms around him "I'm selfishhhh" he took the last grilled cheese off the pan and put it on a plate and turned around and wrapped his arms around me too "I want you all to myself I swearrrr" he sang with me. "you don't need nobody else I swearrrr" we both sang with each other and smiled. "fuck, I love you so much" I smiled at what he said. "I love you so much more." He smiled bigger and kissed my forhead. "here's your grilled cheese princess" he smiled at me which made me smile even bigger. "tell me if I cooked them good" I took a bite of the grilled cheese they weren't that good but I wasn't gonna tell him that I'd feel bad. "yes they're good babe." I smiled and walked to the living as he followed behind me. "so what's the plan for today?" He looks over at me while biting into his grilled cheese. "we should go to the park. It's like perfect weather outside." I stayed focused on the TV show. "alright. We can go when we're done eating. Sound like a deal?" He smiled at me and I shook my head as a yes.

  -skip car ride there-


    "Omg babe look at all the cute little puppies running around!!!!! I'm gonna steal one." I jumped out of the car and Grayson quickly got out "Omg bri no you're not gonna steal someone's puppy" he started giggiling and ran after me. He finally caught up with me and hugged me. "I kinda wanna be a little kid again and go swing on the swings." I smiled at Grayson then ran to the swings and started swinging. Grayson sat on the swing next to mine and started trying to go higher than me. "You're not gonna win this game" I  started going higher than I already was and he tried going higher than me but he couldn't. He stopped swinging and looked up at me "I give up" he started pouting. I stopped the swing and looked at him "you're such a cry baby" I got up and hugged him. "let's go home now." He stood up and we both started walking to the car.

-skip car ride home-

  I walked into the kitchen and got a cup of milk and went up to the guest room. I sat the cup down and cuddled up next to Grayson. I laid my head on his chest and looked up at him and he was already out. Its been a long but fun day ended greatly.

A/N- hey guys! I know the "-skip-" parts in this chapter aren't really bolded it's because I got a new phone and it's being weird with that idk why. But I finally updated!! Sorry for the long ass wait. I'll try to get a new update in a few days to make up for the long wait. Much love!! 😊💕

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