I Know

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AN: This first story was suggested by one of my classmates (you know who you are, Jack) and the prompt was "after finishing every route and secret ending, MC plays again to try to get V a better ending." This also follows the Seven reset theory. Hope you guys enjoy and feel free to leave more prompts/suggestions in the comments!

**Spoilers ahead!**

Today was the day you joined the RFA for the sixth time. You knew the drill and how everything would play out, but there was still something nagging you. You had done every route and helped every member get through all of their problems. Well, almost every member. Everyone but the person who needed it most. Everyone but the group's mysterious leader. Everyone but the person who you really wanted a route for. It hurt you to leave Saeyoung and reset, but you had to do something, anything, to give him a better ending. To save him. Even if it meant dealing with the pained and hurt expressions Saeyoung would give you. This time, you were doing things your own way. This time, you were going to make your own route. You decided to start by texting Saeyoung (or as you now currently went back to calling him, Seven)

707: "[y/n], it's me Seven. Tell me if you know anything more about the hacker. I report things to V. Welcome to the RFA~"

You: "Hey Seven? I need a favor."

707: "Ooh! How can Defender of Justice 707 help you today?"

You: "I need V's phone number."

707: "Sry V's always busy lolol you'll just have to talk through me~"

You: "Seven, I'm serious. It's important. I really need to tell him something."

707: "You can tell me too! I'm trustworthy I promise!"

You: "Look, Saeyoung, We both know how this works. Please just let me talk to him? Even just one message?"

707: "I...don't know what you're talking about lololol. But if you want to say something that badly, I can't deny a lady her wishes. Let me send him a quick message and I'll send you his number."

You: "Thanks, Seven. You're the best!"

Your heart stung at having to use his real name after resetting your life with him, but you couldn't think of any other way to let him know how serious you were about it. Suddenly your phone buzzed, pulling you out of your thoughts. Seven had sent you V's number along with a picture of him with a bag of Honey Buddha Chips.

707: "Here you go. He'll only be in town for another day though, so I'd hurry with whatever you're planning to do.  Have this picture as a thank you for letting God Seven grant your wishes!"

You initially assumed the picture was just him being random as always, but looking closer you could see his eyes were different. Instead of the usual bright honey color, they were a darker, sadder shade. They also looked slightly puffy...Had he been crying? That's when it hit you. The reason he sent the photo was to show you how sad he was. To show you that by breaking your promise to never reset, you really hurt him. Ouch. Quickly, you shifted your mind towards V and began typing a message to him.

You: "Hey, V? It's [y/n]. I really, really need to talk to you. Sorry for the short notice, but can you meet me at the park around 4?"

You glanced at the time on your phone. 2:00. That gave you two hours to get ready before you had to head over. You hoped he didn't have plans, but at least it was a Saturday so neither of you had work. Suddenly, you heard the distinct buzz that signaled a new text.

V: "Hello, [y/n]. I'll see you then."

You sighed in relief. This would be the first time you'd ever gotten to talk to him in private since, well, ever. You rushed into your room to make yourself look at least semi-presentable. After what seemed like months you finally finished and took a step back. You decided to step it up from the usual tan sweater and black leggings and go with a cute navy dress and a black cardigan. It's definitely not like you were trying to make him like you or anything because you knew he still loved Rika and you respected that. But that sure as hell didn't mean you weren't going to dress like it. You checked your phone again. 3:45. You decided to leave a little early and walk to the park since it was very close Rika's apartment.

 The chill from the early October air made you shiver and pull your cardigan closer, but you'd always loved autumn regardless. You found a large tree in the center of the park and decided to sit on the bench under it and wait. You wanted to choose somewhere where V could spot you and where you could watch the people go by. That's when you noticed that it was rather empty except for a handful of people walking dogs or small children. You checked your phone again. 4:00. At least his teal hair would stick out against the orange and reds of the scenery. As if on cue, a black car pulled up to the sidewalk and V stepped out carefully. It struck you as slightly odd that he had his cane with him. You had no idea his vision got that bad this early. It must not have been too bad, though, because he spotted you and began walking towards you.

"Hello [y/n]. It's nice to meet you."  he said with a smile on his face.

"Hey V. It's nice to see you too. I'm surprised to see you with your cane. Is your vision already that bad?" You casually asked.

"It's not too bad, I mainly use it just to make sure I d-wait...How did you know about my eyes?"

You could tell he was taken aback by his surprised expression. Now was your time to explain.

"Here, why don't we have a seat? That's actually partly why I asked to see you. I know about everything, Jihyun."

"Bu-" You cut him off before he could ask any of the other questions he was about to spill out.

"Don't say anything. Not yet. Let me explain everything first, okay? How I know everything isn't important right now, but what I know is. So yes, I know about your name and your eyes. I know about the bomb in the apartment. I also know about Mint Eye and Saeran. And I know about Rika. I know what happened to her, where she is, and what she's done." You turned to look at him expecting shock and confusion, but instead he sat intently listening and patiently waiting for you to go on. God was he adorable.

"I know you think going to spy on Mint Eye by yourself is the best plan and that sacrificing yourself for Rika and Saeran is the only way you can make it up to them but it's not. You don't have to do it alone." Your voice began to shake at that last line as you remembered how that ended for him.

"You have the entire RFA including me behind you to help you out. I ca-We can't lose you, Jihyun. We all love you. Even Yoosung. Even me. That's why I'm doing all of this..." You looked down as you quietly spoke the end of that sentence, "I love you..." You stood up and took a step forward, still looking at the ground.

"I love you, okay? I always have. And I know you still love Rika and that's why...That's why I'm going to do everything I can to get her back. To bring her back to the way she was before all of this. To give you your Sun..." Before you could stop it the tears started falling down your cheeks. "All I want is for you to be happy, Jihyun, even if it's not with me. I've accepted that. I just need to see you happy. To take away all of the pain you've had to deal with. You don't deserve all of this pain you have and you don't deserve to deal with it alone. Because..." along with the tears came the sniffles and hitches in your voice.

"Because we care. Because care."

You waited for his response, anxious of what he would say. How does someone react to having all of that information dumped on them at once? How would he respond to your confession? What if he was uncomfortable? What if he-

Your thoughts were cut off by a strong hug from behind. You looked up to see V with his chin on your head and tears rolling down his cheeks. You quickly turned around to return the hug and felt him rest his head on your shoulders. You both stayed like this for what felt like an eternity, but neither of you minded. You felt safe in his arms and he felt loved in yours.

"Thank you, [y/n]...Thank you so much." he whispered, planting a small kiss on the top of your head. "With your help, I think everything will turn out alright."

You smiled into his chest.

"I know."

AN: Aaaaa first story finished! That took a suspiciously short amount of time to write so I'm p sure it was lame but oh well! Please let me know what you think and how I can get better at this in the future. I'll try to upload the next story soon! ^^

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