The Throne Room

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"The throne room is pretty basic. There's eight chairs in a circle all facing away from the throne in the middle." I say to the man.

"Tell me, who sits in the throne the most." He asks.

"Me of course, we all agreed that this is my body."

"That's right Miley it is. Now how long has these people been living in the throne room?"

"I can't remember"

"It's ok I'm sure you'll remember soon. Can I talk to somebody else please?"

"That depends, who do you wanna talk to?"

"Whoever wants to talk is fine with me."

I nod and roll my eyes onto the back of my head and focus on the throne room. I find myself sitting on the throne. I look around to see nine eager faces surrounding me, all sitting backwards in their chairs.

"You all know you shouldn't be peeking." I say to them. "Who wants to talk to the doctor?"

"Me me me me me!" Angela cries.

"You'll say something stupid and get me in trouble."

"Can I try?" Elaine asks.

"All you'll talk about is your self diagnostics."

"Don't make me go out there." Duncan asks.

"Wasn't planning on it ya emo."

"Maybe I would be the best bet?" Leonard states.

"Got it, show of hands, all in favor of Leonard going to talk to the doctor?" Eight hands rise.

"All oppose?" Elaine raises her hand.

"Vote goes to yes eight to one. Come on Leo get on that throne!" I step down and feel all life drained from my human body. I go completely stiff and stop breathing. My heart stops until someone else sits on the throne. Leo takes a seat and loses conciseness here in the throne room. But we all know well enough that he is alive, in my body out in the real world. I take a seat in his spot and wait.


Its Tearing Me Apartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن