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• 10 weeks later •

Beverly, Olivia, and I were in kitchen making cookies. I haven't been feeling well for the past 10 weeks and haven't herd from the guy who wanted me to have a baby with him. I sighed softly as Beverly keeps begging me to go to a doctor since she thinks I'm pregnant. She been doing it for the past 9 almost 10 weeks now. I herd door bell ring sighed softly, "hold on for second." I yelled as I walk over to the sink washing my hands hearing door bell few more times and few knocks. "god so unpacient." Beverly laughs as I would walk up to the door unlocking it. As I open the door my face became pale as I see similar curly hair and hazel eyes man that night I made love with. "Why hello Bambi..." he said softly walking into my apartment. "Excuse me you didn't ask to come in!" I snapped. "I don't need to darling, now your friend and her daughter needs to go I have some business to talk to you about in private." He chuckles as Beverly frowns. "Well screw you Olivia is not my-" As she began her sentence I finished it. "Sorry about her. They were just about to go to the park." I sighed as Beverly gave me what the fuck you doing look as Olivia runs to me. "Mama nooo." She whines and I pick her up as the man stares at me. "Go to the park with auntie Beverly okay. Mommy will meet you there in a bit." I hugged her setting her down. "Okay." She said innocently and I smiled kissing top of her head running to Beverly picking her up. "After he gone we having serious talk." Beverly glares at the man. "Jesus you sound like my mom. I will see you at the park in a bit." I chuckled rolling her eyes as her and Olivia leaves the apartment.

•- Ashton POV -•
I look at Myah then at the 3 year old little girl who actually looks like Myah. She has a daughter....what did I do...too many thoughts now of what i did feeling a bit guilty but I keep remembering why I did it. "Why didn't you tell me you had a kid." I walked over to the couch sitting down as she follows me. "Well you didn't give nicest or best warm welcome at all....why are you here?" She snapped at me. "don't get snappy with me, now are you pregnant or not? I have another way we can get you can."
I looked at her as she sat down giving me innocent look and giving the look that I am insane.
"I-i been sick for 10 weeks...I was planning to go to a doctor sometime today or tomorrow." She mumbles softly fiddling with her fingers as I roll my eyes.
"We're going today common lets go." I got up as she stares at me. "I don't even know your name and and this is happening too fast. I-i can't do this." She got up chewing her bottom lip. "Listen, let me take you out for dinner once we get out the doctor office and give me a chance."
I charmed her as she let out sigh as she fiddled with her fingers.
"Fine, I pick the place though."
Rolling my eyes and sighs. "Fine."
She grabs her purse and jacket. "Let's go." She sighs. I smirked getting my keys "I'm driving."
Seeing her roll her eyes and walks out the apartment as I follow her down the steps. I walk outside to my car as she follows behind me to my car.

 I walk outside to my car as she follows behind me to my car

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She stopped as look at me as we got the car. "Wow this is your car?"
I nodded.
"Yeah what mine is yours well half of the things. Now get in."  I open the car door for her and she got in and got settled buckling her self in. Closing her door I rush my self to other side getting in getting settled into the car and drive off to the hospital.

•-Myah POV-•
The car ride was silent and awkward. I couldn't believe this is happening right now. What the hell am I doing? I'm stuck in a pickle. Maybe there is a way out of this.
The man looked at me and. I sighed softly.

"Well since I'm carrying our child. I at least need to know who the father of the baby name is." I spoke softly as he look at me as he parks the car.

"Ashton, Ashton Irwin."  He got out.

"Well I'm Myah and you some how already know that." I got out and sighs walking with him inside.

As we were in line I felt a log strong arm wrap around my waist as I look around the room with pregnant mothers and some with children. "Irwin, Myah Irwin." He spoke to the lady at the front desk as I snapped out of it looking at the 60 year old lady. Irwin wasn't even my last name I wonder why he did that. We went and sit down for while, it was very awkward and sighed softly looking at him. "If I'm pregnant I thought of names on the way here...." I spoke softly to him and he looks over at me then looks down at his phone. "Cool, but i already pick a name for him and it Ashton Fletcher Irwin Jr." He said firmly. I sighed softly resting my hand on my stomach. "He or she just not your child, he or she is mine too. I hope it's a girl." I snapped at him and then I herd a growl he looks at me with chuckle. "If it a girl we're going to give her up." He got up as the young nurse in her mid 30s come out. "Irwin." The lady said and I got up and rolled my eyes walking with him to the private little room. As we walk in I sat down on hospital table bed and sighs as doctor walks in smiling. "Hello what brings you two love birds in today?" He asked. Ashton gives the man a fake smile, "my fiancée and I wanna know if we're pregnant well I mean her." He said. The doctor nodded at him, "well we can do a blood test to see and that takes 24 hours." The doctor got out the stuff to take my blood and I took deep breathe and nodded "okay let's do this." I look at Ashton as he took out his wallet giving the doctor couple $100 bills. "Make sure this stays only between us and no one else." He said as the doctor nodded "of course Mr. Irwin." He smiles and got out the needle and got the needle ready pulling my sleeve up as he preps my arm for the needle. As he pricks the needle in me he got the tubes and test tubes out and starting take my blood, once he finished he took needle out me and gave me bandaid. "Who shall I call for the test results?" The doctor asked. "You can either call me or her either is fine." Ashton got up and I slowly got up and looked at him and he looks at me giving me soft smile. "Me and my fiancée can't wait." He spoke softly as he wraps his arms around me knowing this is all fake and maybe a dream.
After a while when we left the doctor office and at my apartment he sat on my couch as I was in kitchen cleaning up a bit. "Soooo...." I awkwardly said as he got up walking toward to me. "You and your daughter will move in with me." He said crossing his arms I shook my head and chuckled, "no way, where will Beverly live!?" I snapped at him.
"she will live here or I can have someone keep care of her." He frowns angrily at me.
"What you mean by killing her?" I rolled my eyes as he chuckles softly.
"No I mean one my guys will live here and help her with rent." He got closer.
"Why you acting nice?"
"I'm helping you out!" He snapped at me
"You forcing me to have your child!" I yelled at him pushing him away as he looks at me with blank expression. "Didn't you Mother ever fucking raised you better!" I yelled at him more as he got closer slapping my hard across my face knocking me down on the ground. "You don't ever talk about my mother you whore!" He yells and storms out the
apartment and I started to cry.
"Mumma?" I herd soft voice as I look over and saw Olivia. "Hi baby." I opened my arms as she runs to me hugging  me. "You okaieh mumma?" She asked and I nodded "yeah mumma okay she fine. Where Auntie Beverly." I asked her she shrugged "me lost her so me went home like you said what. I should do." She said softly. Then it snapped, Ashton. He probably kidnapped her. "Hunny grab my purse and keys we need to go to they police station!" I slowly got up and helped her up. "Mumma why?" She asked and I sighed "there going to help us find Auntie Beverly." I got my jacket and put it on.

Author    Note;
Hey guys sorry for this very late chapter. I been extremely busy lately and I been stuck writing this chapter kinda. I hope you like the story so far. I hope you Star the book and favorite it! Now comment below what you think is going to happen next.
Until next time loves!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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