Chapter 5

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"Not bad enough for the doctor today?" Colette laughed darkly and sat down in front of Agatha who sympathetically iced her cheek and gave her pain killers. Colette got ready for bed, washing herself furiously, careful of her injuries and cried into the shower.

She thought about the wonderful day she had and how quickly it had ended. No, I cannot hope. I must not hope. She told herself firmly.

She put on her cotton night suit and Agatha redid her bandages, giving her medication before saying good evening.

The next week, Colette immersed herself in her work in order to not think about Atticus or add fuel to the hope brewing inside her.

Her tutor noticed a dip in her spirit and informed Dr. Newton. However, when Dr. Newton tried to ask her what was bothering her more than usual, Colette polite as ever, shut down all questions.

A week passed without news of Atticus, confirming to Colette that he would keep his end of the bargain and never warm up to her. On the positive note though, she had seen less of her father than ever, giving her some much, much needed rest.

On Saturday night, when Colette was in bed already, reading some books given by her tutor and making notes, Dr. Newton and Agatha walked in, to run some monthly tests on her. She sighed and shut her books, ready to be poked and prodded by her companions.

They drew blood, weighed her and conducted some physical tests.

"Your father is away again for a while, isn't he?" Dr. Newton said conversationally.

"Yes, he had international business to attend to, he won't be in town for a week." Colette mumbled back.

After a few tests, Dr. Newton frowned slightly, catching Colette's eye.

"What's wrong?" She asked slightly nervous. Colette was no fool. She was well aware of some of the after-effects of long term physical abuse and knew it was only a matter of time when she would be diagnosed with them.

"You have to tell me. I'm your patient, you owe me this much." Colette said harshly, panic and anger seeping into her voice. She rarely got angry and Dr. Newton knew she had every right to.

"You are underweight for your age and height and your bones are weaker than they should be. Your blood pressure has been uneven recently, and I'm afraid you're hypertensive." Dr. Newton finally said, his voice barely above a whisper. He almost let out a pained cry when he saw Colette's deadened eyes, the young girl resigned to her fate. Instead, he tried to be supportive, as much as he could manage.

"So, young miss, you're being put on vitamins and we'll have to get some meat on those bones!" He said, trying to lift her.

"You know the senior Mr. Addington won't allow it. If you please, I'd like to go to bed now." Colette said evenly, turning away from the two people in her room.

Agatha's eyes watered at the shell of a human Colette was turning into but they left quietly, turning off the lights. Alone in the darkness, Colette cried, till she was out of water, and fell into a fitful sleep.

She rose to Agatha nudging her slightly frantically.

"Colette! Miss Addington!" She shook her again.

"What is it Agatha?" Colette asked sleepily, rubbing her puffy eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry to wake you Miss but Mr. Emsworth said he'd be arriving shortly!" The young maid exclaimed. That statement got Colette's attention and she shot out of bed.

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