3 years later
My eyes scanned the crumbling remains of Hogwarts Castle. It's gone.... Everything is gone...But there is no time to mope, I need to find Fred. I quicken my pace, you never know who could be lurking behind you. Finally I see him, with flaming red hair and a smile shining brighter than a lumos charm, he's hard to miss. I run to him, but soon my eyes are drawn to a figure creeping up behind him.
"FRED! WATCH OUT!" I cry just in time. Fred turns around and sends a Flipendo charm his way, knocking the cowardly deatheather unconscious.
"Thank you ,darling" Fred murmurs into my hair as he holds me close.
"No need to thank me... just saving my boyfriends life." I mumble back.
Nearby a diligent Percy shouted
We both rolled our eyes but kissed goodbye and headed our separate ways. My job was to patrol the second floor to make sure no smaller children had been left behind, but more importantly make sure no deatheathers found them first. Suddenly I heard a blast, it sounded if it had come beneath me.. In one of the hidden passages... Fred had been underneath me.
I rushed downstairs to where I had seen Fred last, and I broke down.
A sobbing Percy was holding Fred as Ron wept alongside them.
"Fred..." I whispered and then a huge sob lifted out of my throat.
I knelt down beside him and pressed my lips to his once more and wrapped my arms around his cold body. As I did, I felt something in his pocket and I shakingly pulled it out.
It was a ring box.
So here's your epilogue. Sorry it's so sad but idk I felt like writing something a bit more mature compared to the rest of the book. If any of you would like a second epilogue with a happier ending, please let me know and I will happily write one for you :)

I'll Always Love you Freddie ( WRITING IN PROGRESS )
Romance( Y/N ) Is a fourth year student who has a big time crush on mister Fred Weasley, Her best friend. When the drama starts becoming too much and things start getting heated, will Fred and ( Y/N ) 's love stay strong? WARNING SOME SMUT AND FOUL LANGUAGE