Chapter 21

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This battle was boring to Aaron. Aaron was able to take out each and everyone of these people that he was fighting. He could easily dodge and grab any projectile that they sent at him, and the new gloves that Ragnar had given him felt easy and fun to use. Much better than any sword or other weapon.

Ragnar had told him before having him set out on this siege, "You are better with your fists than with a sword. You've just not been using your full power that I have given you. Here," he had given Aaron the gloves "These will unlock your full potential. They are designed to reinforce every bit of your limbs. You can now hit harder faster."

Aaron calmly brought up the body of one of these sorry defenders. he lobbed it at somebody that was toting an ax. The man flew backward as the body struck him in his torso. Aaron twisted around and jumped upward. He was able to kick out the legs of his next opponent. As the man was falling downwards, he gripped his head and twisted around.

Aaron threw the body to the side. He noticed that they had made a cautious circle around him. They should. "I am Aaron!" he screamed "I have defeated countless of you petty soldiers! Show me a real challenge! I fear no man alive!"

"What about us?" said a voice.

Aaron twisted around. It was that one. The one that had stabbed his ankle last time they met. he had probably heard about him. But he didn't know about his new gear. he saw that he had his friend with him. he had heard about him. he forgot his name. It didn't matter. He would have their heads. Although according to his rumors, the friend was more dangerous, being a telepathic and telekinetic. Although he wouldn't be able to read minds in the heat of battle.

This was it. For Phoenix this was when he would be able to really hurt Ragnar. No matter what, Aaron was going to die by the end of this fight, even if it killed Phoenix.

"If you fear no man alive then maybe it'll take two to kill you!" yelled Phoenix.

Aaron laughed "Then what're we waiting for?"

Phoenix lunged forward. He saw that Aaron wasn't using a weapon. Good, he thought, he can play defense even less than me. I think I'm going to like this.

All of sudden, Aaron was in front of him faster than he would have thought. He saw the fist barreling towards him. He didn't dodge out of the way in time and it brushed against the side of his skull. It still hit hard enough to hurt.

he dodged the second strike and he stabbed forward. The blades didn't hit anything. Aaron had somersaulted backwards lightning fast and lunged forward again. Phoenix was able to completely dodge this strike. he rotated around and was only able to prick his back. Aaron rotated around incredibly fast again.

Suddenly Phoenix's shoulder, the hurt one, began to hurt again. it felt like their was fire in the veins instead of blood. he crumpled to the ground. Aaron had jumped back again. This time he began tearing forward incredibly fast. Phoenix wrapped a band of wind around one of his ankle's and he pulled back. Aaron dove into the ground hard. Ray thrust both of his hands downward and he held that position.

Aaron gave out a muffled yell as he was unable to breathe because he was getting held onto the ground. The ground around him began to vibrate as he attempted to push himself up. Ray's face seemed to be getting more and more strained the longer it went on. Ray finally let go and Aaron leaped upward. He began coughing and spitting out dirt. Phoenix pressed his advantage and he jumped forward, preparing to start cutting.

Aaron let loose a final breath and he saw Phoenix coming. Phoenix was able to land a cut across Aaron's leg as he jumped away. It wasn't horrible deep, but it would hurt and bleed a lot. Aaron rolled onto the ground and he groaned. Phoenix saw that a rider was charging him, with a sword drawn. Phoenix heard the twang of a bow string and an arrow went clear through the armor, punching through the back.

Phoenix twisted around and he saw Jean, bow in hand. "You're not the only person who found something interesting in there." she said.

The Knight crumpled to the ground off of his horse. I guess that one was human, thought Phoenix.

Aaron pushed himself up. Phoenix felt fire gather around his fingers. He flicked his wrist and a whip of flame struck Aaron across the back. Aaron crumpled to the ground with a yell. Phoenix quickly began moving forward.

All of a sudden, Phoenix saw a green crystal fly from the corner of his eye. Aaron caught it and he crumpled it in his hand. Phoenix saw a flash of bright light and Aaron was standing tall with no wounds.

Phoenix cursed. Aaron seemed to have a full tank now, but Phoenix didn't. But he had Ray.

Aaron roared "you try to beat me with blades and your friend! How would you fare if you were alone! I would beat you to a pulp! Come! face me now and show me that you are a worthy challenge!"

Phoenix noticed that the rest of the battle had came to a complete stop. He saw that everybody had eyes for he and Aaron. He stared at Aaron and he said "Done." and he dropped his swords.

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