{Chapter 1}

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(Dan's POV)
I open my eyes and feel the warmth of Kyle pressed up against me. I feel my heartbeat begin to quicken as I fully become aware of Kyle, his arms wrapped around me and all.

'NO! DAN STOP! YOU CAN'T FEEL THIS WAY, SHOVE IT DOWN, NOW!' I tell myself as I try to calm down.

"Danny, are you awake?" Kyle asks from beside me. He takes his arms away and I begin to feel empty and cold from the loss of contact.

"Yea, I'm up Ky." I say, all while shoving my feelings into a deep pit in my stomach. I can't feel this, it's wrong. He's my best friend.

"How are you?" He asks as he sits up in the bed, deepening the cold feeling I have building inside me. I shift to face him before giving him a false smile.

"I'm good Ky, why?" I ask, not knowing how to honestly answer the question. Tell him that I love him? Tell him that the world is crumbling? Tell him that only he knows who I truly am? I can't, not yet. I can't let the truth spill out of my pathetic mouth for everyone I know to hear.

"Well, seen as you almost died yesterday, I'm just wondering," he quips,"Good morning by the way." I nod to him as

"Good morning." I reply, just heartbeat pounding in my ears. "We'd better get dressed before my mum comes up here and sees us, you know what she'll say." I sigh with a pathetic laugh. I crawl out of the bed and pull on a clean pair of black jeans and a new t-shirt. 'This is going to be the longest summer yet.'

"Yea, can I borrow some clothes? I don't want to go home." Kyle asks as I poke my head through the neck of the shirt

"Sure, I don't mind." I respond with an awkward grin. I walk out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see my mum waiting at the kitchen table.

"Daniel!" She says as she runs over and pulls me into a tight hug. Her hands are cold, but I don't care. "I'm so glad you're ok."

"Yea mum, I'm quite alright, I promise." I say, a smile tugging at my lips. She pushes me back and kisses my cheeks multiple times before letting me go hesitantly.

"Where's Harry?" I ask with a small furrow of my brows at the mention his name. A tremor of disgust passes through me as his name falls from my mouth.

"Your father?"

"He's not my father and he never will be." I spit stubbornly. The truth is, I hate his guts and he hates me back. We constantly argue, but I can't do anything about it. He hits me, sends me to my room as if I'm six, but I never object. I go up and write songs. He broke my keyboard last month and I still haven't looked him in the eyes. I don't plan to either.

"He's at work." She says with a bitter smile.

"Alright, I'm going back up to talk to Kyle for a bit." I remark as I tread back up the stairs. I open my bedroom door to see that he is still sitting on the bed.

"Good morning again." Kyle says to me with a smile as I walk over and sit down next to him on the bed.

"Morning. Again." I reply with a slight grin tugging my at my lips as I sit down on the bed beside him.

"Hey Dan, can we go out today? I mean, if you're up to it, we can go to the music store and get parts to repair your keyboard and new vinyls." Kyle says with a longing look in his eyes, making me unable to turn him down. I look deeper into his eyes, his soft, amazing, bright brown eyes that light up when I respond with a simple, "Alright you dork."

"First I have to get changed." He says with a laugh as he pulls a clean pair of jeans and my Eraserhead T-shirt out of my wardrobe and walks into the bathroom. He quickly changes as I walk over to my drawer, grab a pair of socks then, pull on my filthy white converse that are still mildly soggy from the night before.

"Let's go Dan, hurry!" Kyle says as he dashes down the stairs and to the door. I walk down and over to the kitchen where my mum still sits with her laptop, continuing her work for the day, her only day off being Sunday.

"Hey mum, Kyle and I are heading out. We should be home before dark, see you soon." I say as she hugs me and sends me off. I walk back over to Kyle but, not before I can snatch Harry's card.

"Alright Kyle, let's go." I joyfully say as we walk down the street to town, smiling like fools as we go.

'Maybe the summer won't be too terrible.'

**A/N:So, this is my first Dyle complete book so, I hope you enjoy it.**

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