The Clans

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The Warriors

The Warriors hold fearsome reputation despite not engaging in combat for a century.

Tattoos are a common practice amongst this clan, signifying strength; each tattoo holds a deep meaning. When someone from the Warrior clan meets a Mystic, it is not uncommon for them to request a tattoo to be enchanted.

Things such as crying are frowned upon by this clan who view it as a sign of weakness. To repent, physical punishments are often administered by themselves or others.

The people from this clan have tanned skin and lean frames despite their strength. In contrast to their name, the warriors are actually farmers who learnt to fight many centuries ago to protect their crops and their homes. The children of these farmers were trained in combat from an early age and when this generation were sent to war, the warrior clan earned their name.

Another common characteristic of this clan is their hair and their eyes. Their hair often falls in straight sheets in shades of chestnut browns and deep reds whilst their eyes are dark and piercing.

However, those descendant from the Maki bloodline (only those from this family have the right to rule over the clan) have eyes the colour of seas troubled by raging storms.

The Mystics

Mystics possess the ability to perform magic. Those who show a great skill in this are taught how to harness the element their soul is most aligned with.

The clan leader is not decided by blood but rather by skill. Those who learn to harness the elements are all eligible to be chosen but at the end of the day, it is down to the current clan leader to decide who will surpass them.

The clan has roots all across Asia but they mostly stem from Japan. As a result of this, most of the mystics have dark hair (however some have been known to enchant their locks to change colour) and a broad range of skin tones.

They choose not to fight but are more than able to when the need arises; however, due to their abilities they make good healers when speed is required on the battle field.

The Faces

This is a clan thought to be no more than a group of pretty faces but in truth, they hold a strong medical knowledge that can serve them at all times.

The ancestors of this clan used to be plastic surgeons but as time went on; many dropped cosmetic surgery but kept studying medicine, passing their knowledge onto their grandchildren. However, whilst many now opt for natural beauty, the clan still accept beauty in all forms and support those who still choose to study and/or use cosmetic surgery.

Those in the Faces clan value the chance to discover all the faces to their personality and try to stay close to nature whilst also appreciating busier life styles.

The Faces clan are not known for a signature appearance but will often dress in earthy and pastel colours

This clan also share a slight similarity with the mystics; due to their love of nature in this clan, many will study a season or a time of day (etc) to use to their advantage should they ever be called to battle

The clan is separated into 4 divisions, each led by one of the four 'Beauty Sisters'.

Overall, the faces clan have personalities and beautiful as their appearances and they can use their medical knowledge to their advantage in a variety of circumstances.

The Wanderers

As far as anyone knows, this clan has no roots and no home and very little is known about them by outsiders

Known for staying in one spot for anywhere in between a week and 2 years but then they disappear at night.

The clan contains people from all over the globe however it is not uncommon for them to lose members who grow attached to an area and don't want to leave.

The Wanderers are all strong believers in destiny and look to the stars for guidance in most cases

This clan has stayed out of all previous wars and battles and as a result, holds no reputation amongst any other clan; they are merely there.

The clan was originally led by a council of its founders and their descendants but due to Wanderers opting to stay elsewhere on their travels, each member of the council is now able to choose a Wanderer to join the council after they leave the council or when their life forces are passed to the stars.

The Shadows

Shadows are experts at gathering intelligence and information from other clans (even the Wanderers when able to track their location).

Shadows receive their name from the 3 main colours they wear most; black, white and green. Green hides them in forests, white hides them and snow and black hides them at night – they blend into their surroundings, just like shadows.

The clan are also known for the ability to blend in with other clans whilst gathering information; it is unknown what they do with the information once a mission has been completed.

It is believed that this clan possesses a ruthless streak and is willing to kill, torture and barter when needed to. However, nobody is able to prove this hypothesis and no-one is willing to either...

Shadows are constantly at peak physical fitness – as a result, members of this clan possess lean yet defined bodies.

Finally, in this clan – typical hair styles consist of short cuts in black, brown or blonde. The colour adds to their camouflage when on the move and the short hair keeps it out of the way on stealth missions. However, it is not uncommon for some to have longer hair that is often tied up in high, tight ponytails or buns.

The Destined

The Destined are a clan of scholars, believing that through studying and hard work they will uncover their destiny.

People of the Destined clan strongly enjoy meeting others from each and every clan as they feel each encounter will shape them and help to propel them through the journey of life.

The only thing this clan fear is failure; they accept that one day a darkness that never ceases will take them from this world and they accept that they can not prevent natural disasters that hold the potential to claim the lives of loved ones but they can not accept failure. To fail is to live for nothing to this clan.

Unfortunately, some young people in this clan have been known to take their own life. Extremely high pressures are placed on clan members from a very young age and in some cases, it becomes too much. However, this is a rare occurrence – it is more common (yet still rare) for a Destined to leave the clan during their teenage years and find a home with the Wanderers or another clan they feel more suited to.

One common characteristic of this clan is their need for glasses. Destined will often spend half a day studying and reading small notes in order and as a result of the damage caused to their eyes from this, require glasses.

Each and every job isaccepted by this clan. Whilst some clans have a specific job that has beenpassed down through generations (e.g, the Warriors), the sky is the limit with the Destined. Nomatter the job, it is their destiny and they have no choice but to accept it.    

Okay! So now you've all met the clans, the real story can finally start. These clan details took 4 days (in case anyone was curious?) to write and whilst I know they don't all go into the greatest depth of detail, I hope it is able to provide you with an idea of what each clan is like and what the characters from these clans may be like too.

So let me ask you, which clan would you most like to be a part of?

- IgnisAndFortuna

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