🔅- two

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marques woke up from the sun beaming in his eyes off the opened window, he looked to his right to see trevon no there.

" trey... " he got up and stretched before checking his phone to j.t text from last night that he didn't open, he walked down the stairs to no trevon in his sight. he texted him.

where you at?

he heard a phone dinged and seen trevon's phone faced down on the coffee table. this was strange he yelled for him but got no response, he instantly started panicking and pacing back and front.

he called grayson to gray sniffing through the phone.

" hello.. "

" hey g.. its me ques.. have you seen tre? "

" n-no.. "

" gray what's wrong? what's going on? "

" they found another body in the lake... as what the news say a witness seen two people throw somebody in the lake and they ran, the information on this dead person hasn't dropped yet "

" shit.. fuck! " marques whole body went numb. what if it was tre.. what if it was someone they were all close too.

" ques I'm so scared.. first it was b-bre and now.. " grayson chocked up when he brought up brennan, brennan was his best friend.. possibly his secret lover .

" g-gray can I call you back.. " marques said before hanging up, he walked outside to seen trevon blue jeep still in the same spot and his dark blue mustang still parked in the yard right next to it.

he felt for his keys in his sweats after he ran to his car to go look for trevon, he heard a grunt and looked over in tre's car in see a figure in the backseat.

he opened the door to trevon all bruised up and whining from the pain, ques picked him up and rushed into the house to lay him on the couch.

" trevon who did this to you! " marques asked him as trevon slurred on his words before falling unconscious.

[ 🔅 ]

me after writing this

I would've been hateful to let trevon die 😂but someone will die out the group why am I so cruel ?

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I would've been hateful to let trevon die 😂
but someone will die out the group
why am I so cruel ?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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