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I don't know if you ever seen my sister "Hannah baker" but were kinda alike . Plot twist , Hannah never told you her dad had a second girlfriend and they had a baby and made me . Me and Hannah met several times but it's was so different . Every time Hannah would always cry or act sarcastic like she was okay . I never really realized it till my mom told me that Hannah killed herself. Let me begin . I went to the movies where I met this boy named clay , he worked with my step sister . But I had my own world , my name is Jessica Baker . I'm 16 and I moved away from hannah because my mom thought I would do the same to myself . But here's my story , it all started when I met this boy named , Jay . He was dark skin , he was 18 , his eyes were hazel , and he was a football , basketball and baseball player . I met him the first day I moved to Los Angeles . I bumped into him at school . And asked him where geometry class was . He showed me and walked me there while we talked . I started to get butterflies in my stomach . So I said thanks and he ask if we can get lunch  . So I said okay . Then I start to walk to class when I notice this other named Gerry . He told me where to sit and where not to sit . And I said okay .
I walk over to lunch with jay and he saved me a seat with his other friends . He introduce me but he doesn't say my name because I remember I didn't tell him my name so he says this is my new friend ...... and I say jessi... and he finishes off with "sexy ass new friend " and his friends start to laugh and their food starts munching off their mouth . Okay , I'm talking to much let me start off when he did something wrong to me .

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