Meeting Blueberry

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Blueberry's POV

I was walking through the Snowdin forest, seeing if any humans have gone through the gate that enters the ruins. I really wanted one to be there so I could capture it and bring it to Alphys. Then I could join the royal guard!

I decided to take a break and sit on a rock that was perfect for sitting on. It was surprisingly comfy. I looked up to see nothing but rocks above us, like usual. But it turned into what looked like an ink splatter, and two me's fly out of it, and they land on me!

"Ow" I mumbled. I was on the bottom of the pile, so I had two me's squishing me. "Oh my! I am so sorry sir! We didn't mean to!" Said the me with stars as eyes and got off of me.  "It's okay! I'm the magnificent Sans! But my brother calls me blueberry!" I said, while the other me gave me a look. "Oh! Well I'm Sans too! But I'm from dreamtale, so you can call me dream!" Said the one mainly in yellow.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, do you know where we are?" Said the one in brown. "Oh, that's easy! You are in the Snowdin forest at my favorite resting spot! And who might you be?" I asked him. "Oh yeah! I'm Ink." He said, avoiding eye contact.

"Well, I could take you guys to my house! I'm pretty sure that you could stay there until it's safe for you to go back!" I said, starting to walk away. The two looked at each other, then at me, then back at each other again. They ran toward me, and tackled me in a hug.

-time skip brought to you by horror sans' creepiness-

We got to the house, and of course, I knocked. I didn't want to be rude if papy was doing something! Dream and Ink looked at me like I was insane, but still! I didn't want to be rude! Sooner or later my brother answered the door and looked surprised.

"Hello brother! I brought some new friends with me! Isn't that great?" I asked him. He still looked shocked. "Hey bro. Do you know why these friends of yours look like you?" Papyrus asked me, with a shocked look on his face. "Please si-Papyrus. I can explain everything, I really can, just let us inside the house, and we will explain it from the start." Ink said, trying to reason with my brother.

"Okay, then. Come in, I guess..." Papyrus said, hesitantly. Once we got inside, Ink and Dream explained everything. They told us about Error, the doodleverse, everything. After the story, I was left crying and my brother shocked from what he heard. "That is why we are here. That is why I need to stop Error, so he can't destroy anymore AU's, so that your AU will be safe." Ink finished off. Dream simply nodded.

I stood up from where I was sitting, and put a serious look on my face. "I want to help." I said, as serious as I could get it to sound. "What?" Ink asked, as stunned as my brother, who was also stunned.

"I said I want to help you. I want to protect the AU's that can't protect themselves. I want to protect my AU too. Besides, a little teamwork never hurt anyone!" I said, stating the fact that it was true. "I want to help too. Even if I can't see my brother that I lost to darkness, I want to protect him! Not only that, but someone needs to keep their dreams safe!" Dream mentioned.

Ink was shocked at what he heard. "You guys. Okay then! Let's form the team! We will stop Error, save the day, and then-" Ink got cut off from me. "GO OUT FOR NICE CREAM!!!!!!!" I screamed. I looked around the room. "Yeah. Then we'll get some nice cream." Ink said.

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