chapter two

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..."Who's that?"  asked a voice.

But it didn't really sound like Jared's voice. "Jared? is that you?" "Oh no, Jared forgot his phone at home, i'm his brother, Shannon. You are....?" "Lilly" "Lilly, well, i'll tell him you ca- oh no wait, he's just arrived. JARED! LILLY IS ON THE PHONE!" he shouted, and just seconds after he was there. "Hi Lilly! I thought you would never call me, how are you?" "I'm good yes, I wanted to know if... if you wanted to come to my house? I..." he cut you. "Yes!" he almost shouted. He cleared his voice. "I mean... of course yes, i'll be there. Just give me 20 minutes." You explained to him where you lived and he came to your house, he was very punctual you must say.

"Hi" you said, while you hugged him. "Hello" he said and kissed you in the cheek, making you blush. "Hahaaaaa you blushed" he had a big smile in his face. "No... no I didn't" you went to the kitchen and offered him a glass of water. "So...." he took a sip of the glass. "why did you want me to come?" "I felt alone and... after thinking about this, I thought it was a really good idea calling you" he nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you called, I wanted to get to know you better" and that was what happened. You spent the time talking, laughing, joking, drinking and getting close without noticing it. "I think we're drinking too much." He closed the bottle and stared in your eyes, those big, blue eyes were driving you crazy. Then he spoke. "By the way... why did you think seeing me wouldn't be a good idea? I thought you liked me, at least just a little" he leaned in front of you, so close that you felt his breathe in your face. "I-I do like you but... I thought I wasn't ready to start seeing more guys, you know... Mike" you looked to the floor. He sighed."You know what? i'll make you think in another way... I mean, I think..." he lifted your chin, making you see his face. "I think I feel something for you. You're going to think i'm crazy, we met only three days ago... but I know you have something that other girls don't, and..."  you cut with a kiss. At first you regreted it, because he wasn't kissing you back so you moved away. He looked at you with wide eyes, that took him by surprise. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that, I'm so so..." he smiled and kissed you again, with passion.

He had one of his hands in the back of your neck, pressing you against him, and the other in your waist. You had yours through his hair. You were losing your mind just with that kiss. You both headed to your room, almost falling on the stairs. You thought it was too soon to do that, but you were lost in the moment so you just enjoyed the moment. He took off your shirt, and you took off his. He laid you on your bed, you under him, and he started taking off your pants. Your breathe were heavy, you both wanted it. When you were already naked, you felt strange. It has been a lot of time since you did it. He noticed your worried face. "Are you okay with this? we can wait if you need it." You kissed him and he knew what he had to do. He slowly slid inside of you, it hurted so bad, but after some few pushes, it started to feel great. You both shared a very intimate moment. When you were satisfied, he looked in your eyes and said "I know you're thinking this was too soon, but I want you. This wasn't a mistake for me. I mean this. I really like you." he kissed you one last time in your foreheard and hugged you, falling asleep together.


please guys I need comments or votes or anything, just to know if you like this or not. if you don't like it then i'll stop writing I guess :/ but if you like it please let me know

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