Chapter 1

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Sanvi's P.O.V

"Come on Ananya, we are late for school" I said pulling her towards the school.

"Slow down Sanvi" she said pulling me to a stop. "Who's fault is that we are late...huh!"

I smiled sheepishly at her. Oh yeah it's my fault that we are late as usual. What can I do it's hard to wake up at such an ungodly hour.

By the way I am Sanvi Sharma. I have black hair and black eyes. I would not say that I'm bad looking rather I would say that I look quite pretty and cute. Everybody says that I have a pretty smile. And the girl giving me death glare is my best friend Ananya Singh. She is very beautiful with her fair skin and doe like eyes. She has been my best friend since she joined this school that was in class 4th.

Now we are in class 10th. The most crucial year for everyone. It is our deciding year to choose which stream we will choose in the coming year.

"Okay sorry Nanya. Now come let's go otherwise we are going to be late."

We barely made it to school in time and rushed towards the assembly hall.


It was lunch now. We went towards the back of school where all our friends sat.

"Hey guys! What's up" I said joining them on the table.

"Hey S! hey Nanya! We were just talking about Raghav making a facebook account" Seema said while eating her sandwich.

"Oh! Great Raghav. Send us all friend requests okay" Nanya said. I also nodded my head in agreement.

We all discussed about fb related topics throughout the lunch.

The bell rang and we all went back to our classes.

I and Ananya were sitting at our usual seats when I noticed that Ananya was being extremely quiet.

I nudged her and asked her what was wrong. She told me that she had a fight with her brother....again. They were always fighting, even with her brother living away from here in a hostel in Dehradun. I can only imagine how much they will fight if they live with each other.

You know what is strange, that in our 7 years long friendship I have never met her brother. Shocking right.

Wish to see the day when I will finally meet the famous Mr. Rohan Singh aka her brother.


Hey guys!!!

A new story. Yay! I'm extremely happy. I am still new to writing so pls bear with me. And yeah English is not my first language so pls overlook the mistakes.

Have fun reading it. I hope u all will like this story.

Love u all


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