Chapter 1

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My name is Kaya. I've lived in Myredell my entire life. I can't imagine life elsewhere, well, I can, and I do. Nobody wants to live as a slave all the time, constantly worrying if they're going to be useful tomorrow, or if their Overseer is going to send them to Sector 70, the experimental zone, where the Expended go.

Asher and I constantly plan an escape, though, we'll never actually do it, and everyone knows it, it's what we all do, spend the time thinking about things we'll never do, about people we'll never meet and places we'll never see.

We're sent here as babies, well, just before technically, our mothers are bought here, as are our fathers, although we never have any clue who they are, nobody has a brother or a sister, were all only child's, they say it's to 'help with future breeding and eliminates gene defects' but we all know that that's a load of bullshit, that they like to break up couples as soon as children are born. That's what they do, they thrive on our misery and when we're happy, they send us to Sector 70.

Sector 70 is where the experiments take place, if your useless, you can be played with, your body tweaked. Your bones can be taken and put back, your arm might be there one day and gone the next, ready for a metal one to be surgically put on in the place of a real one, not like a prosthetic where you can take it off, permanently there. Sasha, one of my friends, was sent to Sector 70, we saw her about a year later, her arms and one of her legs was metal, as was over half of her face, we wouldn't have recognised her if it wasn't for the number on her wrist, they carved it into the metal, it's the way they identify us, although we give each other names at birth, they don't care. I'm 109, Asher is 103, Michaela is 128, Luna is 164, Aaron is 115 and so on, the numbers are given in order of birth, in the 109th person to be born here, Asher is older than me by six people, so he's the 103rd person to be born here, and it just goes on and on.

It's not so bad in the Work Sector, your kept alive as long as you work hard enough, and a dream compared to Sector 70, but we still get beaten for the Overseers amusement.

This is how it began, with seeing Sasha for the first time in a year, nobody knew what they did in Sector 70, not until Sasha was the first successful experiment and she was let out into Myredell unrestricted.
Sasha was released a year ago as I'm writing this, so some facts might be slightly more updated than the story starts with, but be patient, you'll learn how we came to know all of this in good time, and what we did about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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