Loves all of you.

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"Whutcha got there, Helbig," Hannah said, going to surprise her roommate by hugging her from behind. The girl she loved so much. The girl she was planning on telling she loved her at the right time. Something's different about the hug, though . She isn't feeling a warm embrace in return. "Grace," Hannah said, removing her arms from the cold skin of her beautiful best friend. She heard a metal object clatter from Grace's hand to the floor. A knife, covered in blood. Hannah also noticed something different about her new, nicely pressed collared shirt she bought at Top Men just hours ago. It was stained with blood. "Grace?" I turned her around to see her face, completely still. Almost as if she was dead. Oh my-"GRACE!"

The ride in the ambulance was completely silent for Hannah. The girl she loved, harmed herself. Hannah's eyes brimmed with tears. How could someone as perfect as Grace, harm themselves?

"All of me,

loves all of you,

all your curves and all your edges,

all your perfect imperfections." Hannah had whispered into Grace's ear the whole time. Grace had to be okay, she had to.

"Hello?" The redhead answered. "Hey, Mames. It's Hannah." It's been twelve hours since the accident, and Grace is in critical condition. "Hannah, it's three in the morning, what is it?" "It's Grace," Hannah said, wiping her eyes on the parts of the sleeve that weren't covered in blood. "Grace? What's wrong? Where are you?" "She's in the hospital, Mamrie. She's in the emergency room right now, and I'm scared." Hannah can't hold it in any longer. She slid her back against the wall, and down onto the floor, and just cried. Who knew that the girl she loved would do something like that. The rest Mamrie said was inaudible for Hannah to hear. She had blocked out all the noise from the world. She cried so much that it was suffocating her. The panic attack, and all the crying was too much for her. "I.....I can't breathe!" was all she managed to scream out. The rest was black.

Grace was well enough to get out of bed today, for the first time in weeks. She should be happy about it. But who to celebrate it with? I mean, Mamrie had to go back to LA to work with everyone. And Hannah? She still hadn't waken up. The hit her head took when she passed out, her panic attack, and the lack of oxygen going to her brain had put her in a coma. The only thing Grace was excited about was that she could finally go visit Hannah daily, and tell her about what happens each day. The part about her being able to kiss her on the cheek without being awkward, being able to confess her love to her was a lot easier when she was unconscious. The doctors say it's less and less likely she'll wake up as each day passes. It's been day 57, and they say that tomorrow they'll have to pull the plug. "Please wake up, please wake up! I need you, Hannah!" Grace cried. "I need you, Hannah. Without you, there's no color to my black and white world. I love you. All of me, loves all of you," Grace said, quoting one of Hannah's favorite songs. She ended up crying herself to sleep, next to the woman she loves, or loved.

"Hannah, it's time to go into the light," a soft voice said. "What?" She answered. The light?! I'm not dying, I need to see Grace through. She feels a warm hand touch her shoulder. "C'mon Hannah," "NO!" Hannah yells.

Grace was holding Hannah's hand, crying. She sat there, and then got up to leave. As she is walking to the door, she heard a shatter, and a familiar scream, "NO!" Grace immediately turned around to see that Hannah had smashed her shoulder into the wall, leaving a pretty big hole. "Hannah!" Grace yelled. "NURSE, NURSE! She's awake!"

"So, what was the whole thing about smashing your shoulder into the wall," Grace asked curiously. Hannah laughed. If only she knew, "Oh, it was nothing. I'll tell you later," she said, rubbing the sore arm, now encased in a cast. "Well you better, because I don't want you smashing holes left and right with that killer arm of yours." When Grace laughs, Hannah feels at ease, as usual as when she's around her in general. "Well, the doctor said you could go home, so, I'll drive you."

-next day-

Hannah asked Grace to go on a hike with her this morning, and Grace agreed. They walked for a fairly long time in silence until they reached the point in the hike, where there's a beautiful view of LA. Finally, Hannah spoke up. "So, I meant to tell you something before the accident, and I've been pushing it back for the right moment, but after the accident, I realized that there is no 'right moment.' It's either you do it, or you die before. So, I'm going to give this a shot." Grace turned to her, and Hannah tried to say something. But she can't explain the feeling. The feeling she gets around Grace. The rush she feels when their hands touch. "So, this is what I have to say, shortened." Hannah said. She had been carrying a guitar the whole hike, and Grace kept asking her, but she hadn't told her until now. She strummed a couple familiar chords and sang:

"Cause all of me,

Loves all of you,

All your curves and all your edges,

All your perfect imperfections,

Give your all to me,

I'll give my all to you,

You're my end and my beginning,

Even when I lose I'm winning,

Cause I give you all of me,

And you give me all of you, oh"

After she finished singing the song, she looked at Grace, who's beaming with happiness. "So what do you think?" Grace smiled, and said, "God damn it, Hannah, just kiss me already!" She leaned in and kissed Grace passionately on the lips, and Grace kissed back.

All of Me // hartbigWhere stories live. Discover now