Chapter23 ~ Breakup or makeup?

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'Stop gawking' I mumbled ruffling more through my drawers in search for an outfit that was suitable for the day.

'Your stood in front of me , in your underwear , I'm sexually frustrated!' He fought back waving his hands in the air

'Well don't gawk, go take a cold shower you perve' I pulled out my skirt pulling it up along with my short top.

'Ok ok , but if we're late I'm blaming you for being to hot and if my grades drop more ..'

'Your grades are dropping. '

'Forget about it ok , let's just .. let's go ok'

'No jeff tell me ! You never tell me stuff like this i'm your girlfriend I should know ?'

'You don't need to know everything about me ok?!' He yelled.

'Jeff it's just .. I need to help you if you need it !'

He forced himself past me hitting me slightly.


'He totally had been ignoring you all day' Maddie groaned as she stared at Justin and jeff some more.

'Maddie please stop staring' Jeff looked at us murmering something to Justin , and they laughed 'he's just .. we spend to much time together ok.'

I sighed , swirling the spaghetti on my fork , what if he wants to dump me after everything he said lastnight, ' are you ok?' She asked

'Fine' I mumbled , I stood up ' im gonna go , I've got a free lesson'

She waved bye and walked out the dinner hall, down the long corridors, I saw Bryce with some of his friends ' Mila ! Babe come here!' He yelled , I smiled strutting over the boys.

'Were gonna ditch if you wanna come for a smoke ! We've got weed tabaco or just normal cigarettes?' He asked.

He pulled out a box , and I quickly nodded wanting to relive my stress , ' come on then' Bryce grabbed my hand and I in, a friendly way held his back , some people gave me confusing looks as I left the school hand in hand with Bryce.

' just baci please' I smiled as he handed me an already made cigarette, I held it tight around my lips as he lit the end of it, I sighed in pleasure feeling the warm mess run down my throats then out my mouth again.

'Feels good doesn't it ?' He asked.

I nodded , breathing in the poison 'amazing.'

'So what's up with jeff , he wouldn't stop talking bout how bitchy you were this mornin?'

' bitchy?!' I groaned , shaking my head 'it's nothing'

'Yeah that's what he said ' he sighed ' you going Jessica's next week?'

'I dunno ?' I said 'maybe , yeah actually I will!'

'What the fuck ?!' Someone yelled I turned around , seeing my boyfriend , he whacked the cigarette out my hand and stomped on it.

'Come on dude!!' Bryce yelled.

'That's suicide Mila!'

'Suicide sounds great now !' I murmed standing up 'I'll just go now'

'No .. no you won't !' Jeff yelled , the impatientness running off of his tongue ' why?'

'Maybe because I'm bitchy hhm' I hummed hitting his chest.

He didn't even budge 'I'm sorry..'

'Mila ?' Bryce said looking up at me

' let's go' I said , 'bye jeff'

♛ Here I Stand ♛Jeff Atkins Where stories live. Discover now