35 every piece of me

33 4 2

Happy place

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - hey hey

Don't let go

Tiffany - I don't know what to do

About what

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - about what what do you mean

She wanted Tessa to not say daddy it hurts

Tiffany - yesterday yesterday she said

Who said

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - who said what honey

She couldn't do it

Tiffany - it hurts yesterday hurts

They didn't know about yesterday

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - yesterday what happened yesterday

Tessa's first words

Tiffany - call mom and dad they will tell you they know

They call

Riley and Lucas - hello

Ready to what happened

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - what happened yesterday kids


Riley and Lucas - yesterday yesterday yesterday oh Tessa's first words happened and they hit tiff Tessa said daddy

They freeze

Cory and Topanga and Chris and Daisy - bastard he was

Riley and Lucas didn't know about Tiffany wanting to stay with Cory and Topanga

Riley and Lucas - YEAH when she comes home we are going to talk to her

What do you say about him OTHER THEN HE WAS A BASTARD

Cory and Topanga - Riley Lucas kids Tiffany wants to stay with us for a while

Just a while

Riley and Lucas - a while

She wasn't gone

Tiffany - I'm broken not bent I'm been saying I'm not but I am and I'm No good to them if I'm broken mommy daddy I'm broken and yesterday didn't help me I can't be broken in front of them it's not fair so I'm broken here not there every piece of me is broken and HE DID IT HER FATHER DID IT I'M NOT HEALING WHEN I TRY IT COMES BACK TO ME

I'm sorry sorry sorry so sorry

A Tiffany and Tyson Story By Quanisha Pool Where stories live. Discover now