Chapter 6: Descent into A Stranger's Welcome

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If I had to choose between being asleep or being awake. At this moment, I would definitely say sleep. I woke up to find my arms pinned painfully to my side. My face was pointed in what I assumed downwards as the only thing I see were white clouds. I tried to struggle or break free, but then I stopped after coming to a realization. Maybe being held firmly is a good thing.

"Thought I would let you know that you're stuck here." Sarren called from off to my side. I looked over and couldn't stop from laughing. He was hanging upside down from the bird thing's talon, but his long hair was blowing around in the wind. Covering his face and getting in his mouth.

I was stuck in its claws no matter what I did, so I decided to take the time to relax. I was awake for a seemingly long time before an ominous feeling hit me. "Uh, Sarren. Do you have an outhouse over there?"

"No. Why would I-. Don't say it."

I patted at the foot of the bird thing. "I gotta pee."

The bird cawed and descended towards the clouds inch-by-inch until we were zooming through the sky.

I smiled at Sarren. "Hey, I think it understood me." I reach back up and pat it again. "We want to be let down gently in a nice and beautiful place with arm fulls of riches."

Sarren sighed and shrunk into himself. The bird, on the other hand, was getting more excited. It started to fidget and caw more frequently. We sped through the clouds and our assumed destination became visible. A tall tower stood on a flat space on the top of a mountain. The monster bird angled sharply at the ground and zoomed forward. This time leaving a line of cloud behind us.

The creature made a chirping sound in its throat as it slowed down, gliding across the surface of the ground.

"You are here."

With that totally not foreboding sentence, it released it's holding on us. Valencia sailed out from the fluff of the monster as we fell the few feet to the ground. The impact of the ground sent me spiraling back into the air and I skidded to a halt far from where I had made the first impact. I looked back and saw that Sarren had landed on his knees and hand back to his usual cool stances. Valencia didn't roll as far as I had, but now she was awake. It was a miracle I wasn't dead or even badly injured.

By the time that I got onto my feet, Sarren was already looking around with his bow in his hands. Around us was an empty meadowy field. It was clearly unusual given that the rest of the mountain was stone and covered in snow. For the first time together, we all were looking around knowing that something was off. We walked closer to the floor of the spire above.

I rubbed my hand against the metal. It was cold and rusted but stood tall nonetheless. It was shaped like a long narrow box that formed a point at the top. Odd cylinders sprouted from the legs, pointing outwards. At the bottom of one of the legs was a small square, it was in a different language. Not like I knew any of the common ones, but this was unlike any written parts I had seen. It gave off a strange aura. Like something that didn't belong here.

Almost in a whisper, I felt a voice close to my ear. "You like?"

I spun onto the ground, facing the voice. Standing nearby, was a young woman. Her black hair blew around in the wind, but she was still smiling at me with big crimson eyes. It took one moment for me to give my soul to her.

She continued and walked beside me. "It's an old memory from my homeworld. It was a beautiful place, such a shame what happened to it." She rubbed at the plaque. "In it's time the Eiffel Tower stood for strength now it's a souvenir I decided to live in." She turned her head to her right.

Sarren and Valencia had their weapons drawn. She turned her body completely, her dress trailing behind her. With extreme grace, she curtsied, and an arrow whizzed off to the side. Sarren called out. "State your name, affiliation, and why you brought us here."

"I have been waiting for you three. Don't make me make you a party of two and a half." Her head tilted ever so slightly. "Another attempt at my life will leave you with missing something important."

I decided that it was a nice time to put some distance between me and her.

She sighed and waves it off. "You don't know how long it took me to get all of you together like this."

I pointed at my chest. "Me? Why would you want me of all people? I mean. I know I'm handsome and irresistible."

She returned my smirk. "That will become evident in due time. Listen you'll be staying the night here, but in the morning I will need to talk to you." She said as she walked toward the tower. I took in my options. One: follow the crazy, beautiful lady or two: stay with Sarren and the woman that tried to kill me just this morning. I turned toward the tower and jogged after the stranger.

I found her standing within a metal box with her arms crossed. Her eyes smiled at me. As I stood next to her, I realized that I could get used to being around her. I looked her from the corner of my eyes and I could feel half of my face lifted as I smirked.

"Come on." She yawned. "I'm getting tired."

I look back outside at my two new companions that were walking over to us.

Sarren paused at the entrance. "I do not trust you." Valencia snorted and took the corner behind me.

"If she wanted to kill us, that bird thing would have done it."

The stranger smiled. "I do it every time I leave, so... you want to get in?" She pulled Sarren inside and pressed a button on the side of the opening. It made a short tune, and the opening slowly closed. The stranger pressed another button and soon after the floor jerked. I gripped the handles on the side.

Sarren crouched low and braced himself on the ground, looking around rapidly with wide eyes. Valencia was snickering behind me. The smile never once left the stranger's face.

"Don't think you got away from me. Just wait till it's just you and me." Valencia whispered into my ear, reminding me of her murderous intent. I turned to Valencia and performed a very rude gesture before sliding away from the murder glare she gave me.

"It's called an elevator. This world lacks the technology." The strange lady explained. "By the way, call me you can call me Galatae. Everyone else does, or Witch. Either works."

The box shook again, and the same tune played. The opening reappeared and The Witch stepped through. My legs turned to jelly after a step and my foot fell out from under me. My knee and hand met a soft material. Thicker and softer than cloaks.

I pick myself up before the others get a chance to walk over me. "Carpet." I heard The Witch call from somewhere around the corner. Mental note: figure out how to steal a carpet.

"Now that all of you are here." I looked at the sound of her voice getting closer.

The Witch appeared around the corner. In the short time that she had gone around the corner, she had both changed and made some food. Which was floating around her head on wooden platters. She motioned to a soft looking chair across the room, a soft triple-seat chair thing poofed into existence in front of her.

"Pick a place and rest. There's the chairs, sofas, and the floor." She pointed out each spot. "Tomorrow will be tiring but important." 

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