Tagged! - 1

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I was tagged by PissOffReality.

So, I give ten facts about myself, Then answer their there questions, and give three questions of my own. After that, I'll tag five more people, and so on.

1. I'm African-American, but I am also part Native American as well.

2. I am not very tall :/.

3. I have six siblings, five girls and one boy, seven in all. I am the middle child.

4. I actually started writing in seventh grade, way back in 2014. The good ol' days.

5. I have the longest hair in my family, due to my Native American lineage.

6. The longest my hair has been is midway down my back, nearly to my butt, lol. That was when I was really little.

7. Also, when I was the same age, for some reason I took a pair of scissors and cut off my hair. Ironically, everyone except for my youngest sister, and #5, the one under me, has also done this.

8. I have played flute, French Horn, Cello, and piano.

9. I've been wanting to go into the Marine Corps since fifth grade.

10. I will debate you on anything. Really, it could be Trump's ban in transgenders in the military was fine, or if dogs are better than cats. I'll still debate you on it. And I'll win. I'm very competitive, lol.

Now, to answer PissOffReality's questions.

Q: Do you like city or nature better?

A: City, because the quietness of the country is annoying. And, I just got back from Maine and country people are too nice. It's boring.

Q: Is there anyone you would kill for?

A: I wouldn't kill for anyone in particular, but I would kill, if that makes sense. If it as a child's life on the line, then yes. However, if it was like my best friend, and they got themself in that situation, then it would depending on what happened and how it concluded to that.

Q: Have you ever thought you were meant to be someone else?

A: This is a trick question. Everyone thinks they're special, therefore everyone believes that they could be someone else. I don't think I want to be someone else. I believe I want to be someone important --- someone who could bring a change. I could wish and dream I was Martin Luther King Jr., but the reality is I'm not. Now, what I can do is look at the things that MLK did, and apply it to what happened and has happened today.

Now, my questions, I added my own answers too.

Q: If you had the chance to kill anyone, fictional or real, then who would you, and who would you kill? If they're real, or if you don't feel comfortable, then you don't have to say who.

A: Yes, and it would probably be Zackiery, from my story A Child's Mind because he makes me so mad when I write for him.

Q: What is your favourite thing to do on a rainy day?

A: Play either Spades, CAPS, or Texas Hold 'Ems (although I haven't played TH'E in a while, tho)

Q: What is your dream job and why?

A: Either an author or a military commander.

Finally, I tag Absolutely_Positive, alltheducks P-Oenothera TaintedMiracle westcoastdreams -butterbeer FourLeafedLuck ShadowSpinner600 and Bekka911. If I missed you, then sorry, but that's all.

I'll see y'all next time, and remember...

Don't melt~!
- Happyritas <OOO

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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