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Request: Reader is hit by someone akumatized and there's a clone of her. Chat Noir tries and finds out who's the real one. (I kinda forgot about the reader being hit part, so... sorry bout that >.<)

"So did you get the akumatized victim yet?" you asked your boyfriend through the phone.

"Yep, Ladybug and I just got rid of his akuma and I should be over there to pick you up for our date in around five minutes, my princess." He purred, making you roll your eyes even though you knew that he couldn't see you.

"You're such a dork." I sighed.

"But I'm your dork." He replied and you could practically see him grinning. A smile crept its way onto your own lips at his words and you shook your head, biting down on your bottom lip to restrain yourself from breaking out into the idiotic grin that you often did when you were undoubtedly on cloud nine.

"I'll see you in five then, Chat." You said before pressing the 'end call' button on your phone and plopping yourself down on your bed with a soft 'thump'.

Yes, it was no secret that you were dating the famous superhero, Chat Noir, and completely smitten with him. But who could blame you? He was smart, brave, loyal, and it certainly didn't hurt that he was also extremely attractive, especially in that skin-tight suit of his. The two of you had been dating for almost two months and you were the only person that he had ever told you his secret identity to. But since you two went to different schools, you could only meet when he was not stuck at home or busy doing photoshoots and that just so happened to be when he was Chat Noir.

The gossip that the two of you being a couple began to spread through the city about a month after you started dating, and it definitely attracted a lot of attention from the paparazzi and it was even worse at school. You would often be swarmed by girls with their questions about your costume-clad boyfriend whereas avoided by the boys since they were too scared that Chat would go after them if they so much as talked to you. You couldn't blame them though, he did tend to be quite possessive at times.

Another downside of dating a well-known superhero was the fangirls. The tamer ones who only had a slight crush on Chat Noir were tolerable, but the wild ones, or the crazy ones which you'd liked to call them, always took things too far. You'd received multiple death threat letters from your boyfriend's obsessed fans nearly every single day, but you were almost used to them by this point... almost.

Just then, you heard the door to your bedroom open and you were about to sit up to see who it was when you suddenly felt your wrists being grabbed and pinned down against your bed. Your eyes widened when an unfamiliar girl appeared above you and she had this unsettling malicious grin plastered on her freckled face.

"W-who are you and what are you doing in my room?!" you cried out at her but she simply let out a giggle at your distressed state. "W-why are you laughing?! How did you get into my home anyway?!"

"Oh, just shut up already!" her grin was gone in a flash and an irritated scowl took its place. "You're so annoying! I have no idea why my darling Chat even sees in you! You're nothing but an ugly, worthless-"

"What on earth are you talking about?! Who are you?!" I interrupted her but that was a terrible idea as it seemed to had only added gasoline to the growing fire.

The girl let out an annoyed scoff as though I had just asked the most obvious and idiotic question in the world. "You're such a spoiled brat! Always ordering people around like we're your servants! But since I'm such a kind person, I'll tell answer your stupid questions." She smirked and I felt my blood begin to boil in my veins. "I'm Shifter, but soon, I'm going to be you, and I'll have my sweet Chat Noir all to myself!"

A Cat's Love ~Chat Noir X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now