Colors of Religion

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Enchanted, enthralled, encaptivated by what he made.

He made us all same, but we have given us different names.

And if we all are same, then why we have different shades,

And why to decide our religion on the basis of our names.

Pierce your finger with a pin, and let the same red blood flow,

Do they have some different air to blow?

Then why discriminate and why we have boundaries,

That keeps our brothers miles away,

For casting ourselves in religious foundries.

When we all are same then why there is hatred, and why there is war

Why can’t we live together, and enjoy the same cookie jar.

Smile at your enemies to make them your friends,

And stop frowning yourselves, otherwise the world is going to end.

The 1st and the 2nd we already had two of them,

And if we had the third, the world is going to end.

I wish for a world where, identity is only defined by the name,

And this particular word is not used for playing the religious game.

So use your name to define you and not your religion,

Because the name goes with the person,

But the world is separated on the basis of religion.

Please you now, define thy rules,

Or get let yourselves destined by the deeds of the cruel fools.

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