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Tyler lay on his small, hotel bed. Little white ear buds rest in his ear, blasting break even by the script. His face sit, slightly scrunched up as tears slip from the barely open slits the were his eyes. He held his phone loosely in his hand, on its screen was the album cover of the song, and a text notification that read,

"Look I'm sorry you're just not the one for me..."

Sent from Jenna 💕

His phone buzzed, and another notification popped up.

"Tyler, please dont do anything bad, you fine someone..."

Every time his phone went off his sobs would grow harder. He sat up, and hunched over. Grabbing the sides of his head, he pulled on his hair. He continued to pull at his hair for what seemed like and hour, his phone constantly going off.

His head shot up when he heard the familiar click from the door. He wiped at his tears and turned away from the door. Josh pushed open the door and closed it. You could hear a plastic sack containing some sort of cans hit the table as he set it down.

"Hey Ty, I got you some red bul- you okay?" you could hear the music blasting from the head phones that lay on the bed, they had fallen out.

Josh walked over to him rested his hand on Tyler's back, only to have him flinch away. Josh pulled his hand back, and held it to his chest. He leaned over, and looked at Tyler's phone.

"Hey, Jenna's calling you, you should probably answer-" The call screen cut to a 'missed call' screen as another message popped up

"Tyler I'm sorry, we just weren't meant to be."

Sent from Jenna💕

Josh's concerned face melted into a pitiful gaze, his eyes slightly glazed. Josh walked around the bed and stood in front of Tyler. What he saw brought tears to his eyes. Tyler sat hunched over, tears leaking from his hands that covered his face. Josh looked at his hands, then his wrists. A thin, tan rubber band hung around his wrist. underneath the rubber band was red and swollen.

I tear fell from Josh's eye, causing him to lean forward and wrap his arms around Tyler's small frame.

"What did I do wrong?" Tyler spoke, soft and broken.

"I-" Joshua tried to comfort him.

"Why can't I find anyone? I keep trying, and nothing works. Everyone leaves me. No body will ever love me like that." Tyler's voice cracked as he mumbled the sentence.

Josh pulled away from the hug and held Tyler's face in his hands. Tyler's eyes looked from Josh's left eye, to his right, they were slightly red, tears still fell from them. Tyler looked away from Josh's eyes. Tyler's eyes were just as red, even redder.

Josh was quiet. Tyler raised his right hand and felt the hand that held his face. Josh's hand was slightly cold, and boney. It felt blue. Tyler closed his eyes and sighed, tears still falling from his face. Josh just stood their, holding Tyler's face, taking in every detail.

Tyler's hair was messy, it poked out in all different ways. His eye brows sat slightly furrowed, his eye lashes were heavy and dark from the tears. Along with his eyes, his nose was a pinky red.

Josh took a breath in before leaning up to Tyler's face. Josh felt Tyler breath out softly from his nose. Josh licked his lips slightly and pressed them into Tyler's. Tyler's eyes shot open and looked at Josh's closed ones. Josh pulled away and looked down before scratching the back of his neck.

"Er- I'm just- I'll be back, I forgot something in the car..." Josh turned around and walked towards the door. Before opening it, he picked up the key card and the car keys.

Tyler's tears stopped as the door closed behind Josh. He reached his hand up to his lips and felt them.

"Did he Just-" Tyler stuttered.

Yeah. Soooo expect more IG? Lol

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