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Thanks for 18 reads. I know it doesn't seem like much, but its something. And I'm happy I got something. 😅

Now back to da book;

Josh folded his last shirt and set it in his suit case, Tyler also packed.

"Were are you gonna be going?" Josh asks, concerned.

"Obviously not my house. Not yet anyway." Tyler sighed, zipping up his large suitcase.

"Yeah... I have an extra bedroom over at a place I rented just before the tour ended-" Josh started, only to be cut off my Tyler hugging him.

"Thank you so much Josh." Josh didnt hug back at first, though he soon wrapped his arms around Tyler's slim frame.

Time skip

Josh walks up the stairs, followed by Tyler. Soon coming up to the place he rented, Josh unlocked the door. He stepped in side and walked towards the bigger room. Tyler walked into the smaller one and set his case down on the dark red bed spread.

Josh stretched and reached into his closet, grabbing a pair of black baggy sweatpants. He tugged His shirt of and threw it on the bed. As he finished pulling his pants off his phone rang. He walks over and answers it, in his boxer briefs.


"Uh yeah, its Brendon. Were you at?"

"Oh I'm at the little pad I rented, remember? You looked at it with me."

"Ohhh yeah I remember. Can I come over soon? Sarah is spending the weekend in Ohio and I dont wanna be lonely in this big ass house."

"Oh, yeah sure. What time?" Josh looked at the clock.

'4:00 PM'

"I do no like 4:45, 5. I can bring food, and a Lil something extra."

"You do that." Josh chuckles as he hangs up the phone. He turns around to the door and sees a blushing Tyler.

"Y-You need something?" Josh asks, scratching his neck.

"So I brought that red bull that sat on the table for a while you know, and I- I kinda spilt it on my pants and I need a pair of clean underwear." Tyler stuttered.

Josh smiled, "yeah sure. Come in." Tyler opened the door and held a shirt in front of his crotch. Josh chuckled. "Hey, I know its not pee, you dont have to hide," Josh yanks the shirt from Tyler in a friendly manner, and sees a very happy lump in Tyler's briefs.

"Damn it Josh." Tyler covered his self with his hands, then looked Josh up and down. In pants just went from a 3 to a 8.

"No need to hide it tyler we all get excited." Josh smiles and rubs Tyler's shoulder.

"Just get me the damn underwear." Tyler scolded. Josh smiled and sifted through in underwear, giving Tyler a relitivly new pair. "Thanks."

"Hey Ty, just remember, my weiner touched those." Josh chuckled. "Dont get to excited!"

"Fuck you Joshua." Tyler puffed amd turned the handle on Josh's door. He opened it and walked into someone's chest.

"Oh hey- HAVE YALL BEEN BANGING?" Brendon asked, his face lighting up. "Look, the kids even got a boner, I knew it!!" Brendon squealed.

"He just needed to borrow a pair of under wear." Josh said simply, before looking at the clock.

'4:30 PM'


Josh smiled at Brendon and pulled on the sweat pants, not bothering with a shirt. He grabbed his phone and playfully pushed Brendon into the living room/kitchen.

"So what did ya bring beebo?" Josh asked, hearing Tyler's door close.

"Okay, so I ordered pizza to this address, annnndd..." Brendon pulled out a pill bottle and a tin box that josh recognized.

"Brendon. You know I dont smoke." Josh scratched his eyebrow.

"Come on man, its a really good strain, you'd love it! I just wanna share it with my dude!" Brendon elbowed Josh's upper arm.

"Fine. But this isn't a everyday kinda thing." Josh half smiled at Brendon before walking over to the fridge and pulling out a monster. "You want one?" Brendon nodded. Josh grabbed another.

"I smell a good smell." Tyler peaks his head out of his new room. "Indica?"

Brendon smiled widely "Yeah, it wasn't cheap." Tyler nodded. He walked out in shorts and a big shirt with a skeleton on it.


Sorry this ones a bit short. I'll probably update again later tonight.

Good day, sirs. Or ma'ams, calm down.

bu bye!!


Joshler| She Left Me...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora