OC #1: Mykala J (Profile: Personified Country)

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Country Name: Akeza Suntäc.

How to say: A-key-za Sun-ta-ec

Human Name: Mykala Jäschke

Nicknames: Moony, Mickaykay, Winnie, Snowbear, etc.

Age: Has been around for over a thousand years. . .around 2242 years in total.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual. . .Maybe leaning towards the Lesbian side.

Seme or Uke: Both.

Looks: *Shown Above in the picture*

Appearance: Chubby and slightly curvy (look at the picture above)

Personality: Jovial, Sweet, Shy (when meeting new people), Protective (when she/friends are threatened), Passionate, etc.

Likes: Animals, nice people, unicorns. . .that kind of stuff.

Dislikes: Poachers/Hunters, abusive people, smoking, millionaires, and killings/terror acts.

Religion of the Country: Polytheistic (Believes in the Germanic and Roman Gods/Goddesses)

National Animal: Harp Seal

National Flower: Moonlily

National Bird: The Albino Puffin

National Dessert: Mint Chocolate Surprise

National Country Day: December 13th

- Can speak the Germanic and Latin language along with a bit of Norwegian for some reason.
-Can play the cello for strings, play the Euphonium/Baritone for brass, and sing Mezzo Soprano.
- Is trying to learn the Russian language, but has master down how to swear in 12 different languages. . .
- Has been able to use magic and see mythical creatures since the year of 1 A.D.
- With her magic, she becomes very strong on a harvest moon, making her magic run red.
     -> She normally used Ice Magic.

• A brown male Icelandic Horse by the name of Frost. Akeza met Frost by the Vikings transporting those horses (along with Yakutian Horse), saving him from the labor of the people that wanted to use him.

• A female talking white baby harp seal by the name of Snowy. In 33B.C., Snowy was found alone after her mother died from giving birth so Akeza took her in.

Friends (Ancient Countries):
• Roman Empire
• Germania
• Scandinavia
• Gaul
• Ancient Greece
• Ancient Egypt

Friends (Countries of Today):
• France (Francis Bonnefoy)
• Russia (Ivan Braginsky)
• Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt)
• Germany (Ludwig Beilschmidt)
• Canada (Matthew Williams)
• Finland (Tino Väinämöinen)
• Norway (Lukas Bondevik)

• Russia
• Germany
• France
• Norway

• None (So far)

• None (so far)

Country Origin:
Was once a tropical island near the coasts of Portugal but have said that she was born from moonlight when the moon was bloodied (red moon/harvest moon).

During the continental shift, the island began its quick route away from the Portugal and towards the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  The plants and animals that couldn't survive the major shift perished in a week, while the rest evolved.

As the country moved to colder climates, the more Viking ships from either Scandinavia or Germania came, soon mingling with the Romans that had settled in the country was before she started to move north.

Around the year 55 B.C., the island finally got a name: Akeza Suntäc and was declared as an official country (around December 13th).

In 1224 A.D., explorers from Portugal, England, Spain, and The Netherlands came onto her island looking to trade. 
Akeza and her people decided not to trade with Portugal, England, or Spain due to the hearing rumors about other countries and their people becoming slaves.

They chose to trade with The Netherlands (seeming that he was a country more experienced in trade than the rest)
up until the French Revolution where one of France's ships accidentally gets swayed over to her island during a tropical storm. 
After treating the hurt men from France and sending them back with ships that looked Ancient themselves, France decided to hop over to her country after the Revolution had ended so he could see what they could improve on for her economy.

During France's time on the cold island, he learned that the island itself could become a tourist attraction for the modern world due to the saunas and the myth/legend of the Ice Centaur (Upon seeing this creature was known to give you luck for a day and a happy death and rebirth).

During the Civil War for America, Canada decided to explore the island of Akeza Suntän, of which lead him to slowly become friends with Akeza herself.

As for WWI/WWII, she helped Canada bring his troops to Europe (along with helping him enter these brutal wars), making over 10,000 trips per week. 

Akeza also has been known as the 'Ghost Driver' (throughout both France and Germany) during WWII due to how she could turn the sick Jewish people of France into 'Ghosts' that were in hospitals. 
Around midnight she would then load up the truck with those people on board and immediately speed off towards the docks, never to be seen again until the next large wave of Jewish or refugees come.

After the Great World Wars ended and the Cold War starts, Akeza was captured by the Soviet Union and was brought to Russia's house of where she then became friends with him and Prussia (East Germany) as well. 
She spent most of her time trying to make the household happy during these cold times due to the two leaders not 'backing down'.

Once the wall fell in Berlin, Akeza was the first country to cross the border, earning cheers of happiness along with the greetings of some of her own people that came to help tore down the wall.
Akeza also got to meet Prussia's youngest brother, Germany, of which he took a liking to her due to how quickly she could get information and trade done smoothly without a fight.

In 2015 and 2016, she helped the people in the country of France and comforted France  during the random acts of terror. 

• The country is of Democratic stand for the government with most Democratics in the country.
• The country has welcomed Gay marriage since ancient times and has the world's largest bisexual couples.
• Has been known as the 'Ancient Magical Ice Warrior' due to how she mostly uses Ice magic.
• Never has seen her 2p! Character nor has she seen the 2p!'s before.
• When someone asks her to flirt back to them. . .she will try to accept it.  Her flirting ability is on the same level of France's and nearly did surpass him in a flirting challenge.

((If you want more about her, she has her 'human' self in the previous chapter))

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