Chapter 1 - Disorientated

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5 years he spent in hell.

5 years he learned how to survive, but it messed with his head. It was brutal, violent, dangerous. It was terrifying, all the challenges, all the terror.

He survived the island, but the island also killed him – at least it felt like that. He could barely recognize the person he once was, it felt like he was a stranger to him. When he first got to Lian Yu, he hoped to go back home one day, forget everything that happened to him and move on. He ended up becoming someone else.

The next 5 years of his life was also a living hell. Yes, there was good moments, but the bad ones seemed to stand out. The loss of Tommy, his mother, Laurel, everything his sister suffered, everything his city suffered, all the lunatics that came into his life, everything helped bring him down little by little, but not single one of those moments compared to the state he was in.

He had an ugly burn on his chest, where he used to have a Bratva tattoo. He had new scars to match his old ones, they all bleed and hurt like hell. His wrists were sore, purple, he had no strength left inside him. It hurt to walk, to talk, to think, to move a single finger. His face was full of dirt, cuts, blood, his hair was all messy and dirt, he had just his pants of his suit on, jacket and hood on his hand, barely hanging. He felt like dropping to the ground and staying there, laid down, waiting for all the pain to go away. He decided to walk slowly since it was really late and dark outside. He had mastered the art of disappearing into the shadows, so no one would see him walking around like that.

Prometheus broke him, tore apart all illusion he had: the hero in him, the possibility of being happy, to find love, to be with his friends. Everything. He had lost everything. He also learned that ugly truth about himself. Something that Barry, his super hero friend once saw in him and got terrified: he was a killer. It was not an easy thing to admit, and the fact that he felt no remorse, it showed him Prometheus was right. Chase was right after all, he was a killer and to be a hero it was just an excuse to do it. He could not be around his team, Diggle, Felicity, all those super heroes. They were true heroes; they were not killers. Oliver felt like he could poison them if he was not careful. Felicity was already going to the dark side, maybe it would not take long for others to follow.

He was not going to be around for that to happen.


2 weeks has passed since the day Chase tortured Oliver. Since that day, Star City not once got any news about its Mayor. It looked like he vanished from Earth. Thea tried to help with business and his vice as Team Arrow teamed up with Team Flash to search for Oliver, but no one could find him anywhere.

- Are you sure he is alive? – Renee asked taking off his mask as he entered the Arrow Cave with the rest of the team, Barry and Cisco.

- Yes, I'm sure – Felicity said getting up from her computer – I've seen Oliver come back from death before, I know he is alive.

- This Prometheus guy, he tortured Oliver? – Barry said taking off his mask, looking worried as ever.

- It looks like it... He must have done something...

- He was seen at the Mayor's office. The bastard had a devious smirk on his face. If only I could punch him! – Thea said crossing her arms – He told Quentin that Oliver is alive but the way he said it... I just want to find my brother!

- We will – Barry smiled putting one of his hands on Thea's shoulder. – We have to.

- It's a good thing Oliver let Green Arrow kind of disappear before all of this, or people would connect the dots... - Felicity said still looking at her computer as she tried to hack everywhere she could.

- What do you mean, disappear? – Cisco looked confused at everybody.

Team Arrow looked at Cisco and Barry and Diggle took a deep breath before explaining them everything that happened since the last time they saw each other.

- Woa! This guy is the devil himself – Barry said sitting in a chair. – To make Oliver step away as the Green Arrow...

- He has to be stopped. – Diggle said – And without Oliver here...

- We still can do our best to protect the city. We did it before! – Felicity told them getting up – I remember Laurel giving us a lecture about how we could still make things happen without Oliver here, so I say, let's do it.

- I agree – Barry said getting up as well – And I promise we will do everything we can to help find him. I just can't be here all the time with everything that's going on back in Central City.

- Yeah, we still have a God of Speed to fight. – Cisco said.

- But, if you guys need anything, just call me. I can be here in seconds, or Wally.

- We understand Barry, we wish we could help you guys as well... - Diggle said shaking Barry's hand.

- We will find Oliver. Don't worry – Barry said as he turned around and hugged Felicity.

Barry as Cisco said their goodbyes to the rest of the team Arrow and Barry held Cisco, running back to Central City, making the papers from the desk fly away.

- Well, we have a city to save while Oliver is away... Suit up! – Diggle said putting his helmet on.

Everyone smiled at each other trying to stay positive as they suited up and went to stop the bad guys.


Earth 38

2 weeks ago

Kara flew high up in the sky as she scanned the city. Once again, a crazy bad alien was attacking National City and the DEO had to interfere. Kara wished all aliens could feel like Earth was their home, she wanted them to be happy and have a great life as she had, but they always made it so difficult.

- I still don't see anything – Kara said using her x – ray vision everywhere she could as she pressed her com in her ear

- The reports from the police department says that he was there, are you sure Supergirl? – Henk Hanshaw said at the DEO.

- I'm positive.

Kara kept flying, not so fast, paying attention to her surroundings. Miles away she saw, through some brick walls from buildings, a body on the street. She flew at super speed and got to the place this person was, a dark alley. Kara landed on the ground and approached with caution.

- There is nothing here. Whoever that alien was, it left already. – She said to her com, deciding to stay quiet about what just happened.

- Ok then. You can go home now Supergirl, is late.

- Thank you, sir – She left a breath of relief out

She could see it was a guy. He laid facing the ground, shirtless, completely out. Wore green pants and as she looked around, she saw a green jacket and a green hood next to the body. She looked closer, recognizing that person. He was bleeding, full of scars that seemed old and a bunch that seemed brand new. She took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. Kara kneeled on the floor, worried. She turned her com off and touched his arm carefully.

- What just happened, Oliver Queen?

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