4: beatings and My Savior

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*Monday morning*
I was woken up by a gentle push from someone, I opened my eyes and saw kibum I closed my eyes again then groaned. "Taeminnie it's time to get up" he said. Silence no matter how much I want to get up and see his face again I still don't want to go to school.

"Get up or I'll kiss you." He said wait what!? K-kiss me? I opened my eyes and sat up really fast. Key smiled and ruffled my hair " get dressed I'll be waiting downstairs for you so we can walk to school together " he said and left. I smiled and got up and got dressed in my school uniform, I then went downstairs after I fixed my hair.
Kibum looked up and smiled then said "Let's go we can eat breakfast at school okay?" I nodded and said okay.

We left the house and started walking to the school I looked up at the sky and seen a beautiful sun rise, I smiled and whispered"so beautiful.." and I heard key mumbled something.
"what you say? " I asked looking at him,he smiled
" nothing I was just agreeing with you" he said I nodded an okay and it went silent again. Our hands brushed against each other and I got butterflies in my stomach as they touched again.

Kibums p.o.v

I was starring at taemin as he looked up at the sun rise in amazement I smiled so cute I thought. "So beautiful.." I heard him whisper as he smiled. "Just like you.."I mumbled. Wait what.. First it was I'll kiss you now it's this.. What the hell..why am I thinking these things.. I thought.

"What did you say?" Taemin asked me looking at me I smiled "nothing I was just agreeing with you" I said he nodded an okay and it went silent again. Our hands was hitting against each other alot without thinking I grabbed it and held it as my heart started beating fast and I was blushing. Honestly what is this..? I may like taemin..maybe this is just what friends do..

Taemins p.o.v

We are almost to the campus but I still can't get the fact that kibum is holding my hand again. Maybe he likes me? No.. Maybe its just a way a friend does to show that they care about someone..yeah that's it.

We finally got to the school and we walked into school not realizing we were still holding hands as to why everyone was starring at us. I took kibum to the office so he can get his schedule and locker number.

We then left and I was a little bit bummed cause kibums locker wasn't next to mine which is 143 his is 150 its still close by but not close enough. At least he can still see me, I told key that I was going to my locker to get some things out like my journal.
I got my journals out for the next 5 periods before lunch and was about to turn and go right back to kibum when I got pushed into the lockers, I looked up and saw jonghyun and minho my bullies and the slut Naeun, they laughed at me" Ugly faggot. Why did you avoid us Friday? Did you not remember what happens when you do that?" Jonghyun asked I shook my head then all of a sudden I was on the ground getting kicked in the sides , stomaches and other places I was screaming stop when I got picked up off the ground after kibum pushed them away and yelled at them to stop and leave me alone.

Kibum took me to the bathroom and sat me on the sink. "Sorry I wasn't there before that happened. I'm so sorry.."he said looking down I seen tears in his eyes before he looked down. I lifted his chin up and wiped the tears I don't like seeing him cry it makes my heart ache.

"Key.. It's okay, as long as you were there to help me.. That's all that matters. Who knows what they would have done kibum you literally saved me there was some times they have put me in the hospital..but.. key..My ribs hurt so bad.."I said while holding my stomach. He looked at me with concerned eyes but also managed a smile to "lift you're shirt up and let me see. " He said I Nodded and lifted it up. He gasped" minnie...omg theres a huge bruise on your stomach. " He said and touched it, I winced in pain" tae we need to take you to the emergency room right now." He said I shook my head"no not right now we can go after school or during lunch but right now let's get to class now I don't feel like eating breakfast now.." I said kibum nodded and we left to go to our first class.

*After school and after ER. at home*

Im laying down on the bed and kibum is sitting next to me. At the ER they said I had broken some of ribs so now I'm wearing a wrap to support it more. Kibum is going to spend the night with me and I get the hole week off from school and kibums mom said that he can stay with me while they were at work so we get to stay home now yay.

Kim Kibum I think I fell for you.. Already.. Maybe I fell for you at first sight.. Maybe..but today I think I may have fallen for you even more.

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