Chapter 23

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Harry's POV:

My lids felt heavy as I tried to open them. They felt like there were weighed down by bricks. Once I'd managed to crack them open, I immediately shut them, for the sun shone bright in them. It took quite a few blinks of adjustment for me to be able to keep my eyes open.

Once open, I looked around, craning my neck for side to side. Was I in the hospital wing? Why the bloody hell was i in the hospital wing? Was something wrong with me? Did something happen? Obviously, or I wouldn't be in here. Panic courses through me and I struggled to sit up properly.

Giving up, I settled myself in for a half lean. Spotting a glass of water on the side table, I picked it up and lifted it to my lips. I had no idea how parched my throat was until the cool liquid slid down it. I placed the glass back on the table and relished how tired I was.

Looking around, I noticed I was the only one in here. I twiddled with my thumbs a bit, bored because I didn't know what else to do. The doors gave a familiar squeak, and shoes clicked soon the floor. I turned my head to the left and saw Malfoy with his head down and his hands in his pockets. What was he doing here?

I studied him as he came closer. To my bed. What? Suddenly, his head snapped up as I accidentally made a noise and his eyes widened. "Harry. You're awake! You have no idea how much I've missed you." What on earth is he talking about? He came closer and sat on the edge of my bed, throwing his arms around my neck. Why is Malfoy touching me?

His face buried into the side of my neck and I got real freaked real fast. "Um..." I sort of made a groan when he sat up, the bed rocking slightly. "Harry, you look an awful mess. You've been unconscious for a while and I've missed your stupidly perfect green eyes." What the bloody hell is he talking about.

Malfoy leaned over and pressed a kiss to the side of my head and that's when it hit the fan. "Um, why are you touching me? In fact, why are you visiting me?" My words halted him and he froze. "What do you mean?" His eyes flashed with worry, or something of the sort, and searched my own.

"The questions mean exactly what they mean. Why are you in here?" I pulled myself away from him as I spoke in a level voice, trying not to freak out. Why was he being so nice? "I'm visiting you? I mean, I have been since you were admitted." His voice had lost its calm and worry had seeped into it.

"I don't know why you're here or why you're touching me, but if you could refrain from doing so, that would be great. Please." I spoke in a tone one level below harsh. "Harry, what happened? Is this a joke? Because if it is, it's not funny. You're scaring me." Malfoy's voice had lost it's obvious soothe and was now slight angry.

I scoffed. "I'm scaring you? You're scaring me. And what is this about a joke? If anything, I'm in the hospital with no memories or anything." His eyes completely widened. "No memories? So you don't remember anything?" His eyes glistened with tears that crept into them. I shook my head. "Not even me?" I don't understand. "I'm sorry, am I supposed to?" Question came at its own authority.

"Yes. Yes dammit. You're supposed to remember me. I love you!" I love you. Those words rattled around my brain and they held meaning. I knew they did, but what for. I looked up at Malfoy with confused eyes and questioning eyebrows. He choked back a sob and ran from the hospital wing. Outside the doors, I heard voice but couldn't hear what they were saying.

Ron and Hermione came in seconds later and I greeted them with a smile. "Hey. I'm so happy to see you. After Malfoy just visited me, I don't know anything that's going on." Ron and Hermione looked at each other with worried glances. "Harry, are you ok? Do you remember anything?" Hermione questioned.

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