kunti's child

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According to mahabharata kunti was a queen of hastinapur but her husband was cursed by rishi.then he and his two queen spent life in forest as vanvas.according to curse the king pandu can't consumate his married life and this is the reason that kunti not able to give birth to any child..
But here kunti has one power which is gifted her from durvasa rishi for her devotion.what is the gift??..the gift was mantra...the powerful mantra from which she get the child...by using this mantra simply remeber the god whom type child she want and she get the child with that qualities of god...
Now we think according to now days ....it is not possible to get a child without consumate of man and women according to science....except test tube baby..don't we thing that time also they use the same methode..
In vedas sanskrit language is use..now days we doesn't have much knowledge about it..but most of the people told that ayurveda is sub type of vedas in which we get the knowlege of medicine..all the vedas are written in the form of poetry and we called it mantra..is it possible that the rishi agusti who is learner of vedas give the mantra to kunti in which the whole process of test tube baby..??..
If we take the 24 letter gayatri mantra with meaning its take a full page to explain it in our own language...we don't know the length of mantra which queen kunti get but isn't it the process of test tube baby which is written in full book of doctors nowdays..
Now the question is how the kunti manage to get child from god ...in sanskrit or hindi the mention of people as "devata" its actual meaning is the giver ...who gives the things without any expactation and give only what we want ...there is no specially mention of god...its only language difference...according to scientist man is not species of earth ...the dna of human is not relate to earth..and there is another prediction on that basis is the human is not devoloped by its own ..its devoloped by the aliance the people who came from another planet...and we hindu people says that we have a 33koti lord...that is the population of those aliance who came on earth and devolope us ...who devolope the human and the mention population is that time population when they just devolope human...if we consider this prediction then it also possible that they are in contact with earth or human...and now we lost the contact with them..or we won't descover yet...kunti or all the great people know the process to contact them...and she use this process to get the help from them for child...or realy the people like indra,yaksha,ashwini kumar,pavan are exist on earth with those qualities...those people have that much knowledge which is lost in time...

Its all my thinking and my imagination...if the mahabharta happen on this earth then the nature rule are same for them and for all of us also...if they was human like us then what the does that all things we can do also...only differnce of knowledge..they had a knowledge and we need to struggle for it...isn't it????

(Plz ignore gramaticle mistake ...i am not good in english.)

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