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Jongin didn’t know what he was doing here. He had been standing there, in the driveway staring up at the beautiful house right in front of him for the past fifteen minutes wondering what the hell he was thinking coming here in the first place. Well, of course he was invited to the party but Jongin didn’t understand what made him decide to come.

"You won’t regret it, trust me," was what Chanyeol had said to him and he couldn’t believe he took the man’s word for it even though the only interactions they had was when Chanyeol wanted to copy his homework.

Jongin shook his head and sighed. Well, he was already here. It would be a waste of that ten minute journey from his house if he decided not to go in. And again, it was not like he was uninvited.

Or so he thought.

As he looked at the incredulous stare Sehun was giving him as he opened the door, Jongin wasn’t so sure anymore.

"What are you doing here?"

He flinched at those words and replied with an unsure smile.

"I-I was invited."

"You were? Who invited you?" Sehun asked again and his words coupled with that disbelieving tone were like swords cutting through his skin.

"Chanyeol." Jongin replied.

Sehun cursed under his breath and Jongin has never felt more embarrassed than he did right then. Of course Sehun didn’t want him here. It is his birthday party after all. He’s part of the cool kids and Jongin was just a mere loner who has no friends. Why did he even believe Chanyeol? What is Chanyeol even trying to do? Was he trying to pull a prank on Jongin? To embarrass him in front of everyone? Jongin gulped at the thought. No, sir, no, thank you.

Jongin cleared his throat and Sehun’s stare which had been directed to the floor, flew to his face. "I-I could leave." He said. "Maybe I misunderstood what Chanyeol said. I… I think I should go."

Jongin was about to turn when Sehun stopped him.

"No, just… stay," Sehun had said but Jongin could hear the sigh under his breath. "I mean, you’re here already, right? And… there’s a lot of food, so… just, come in."

Sehun walked back into his house leaving Jongin standing there dumbfounded. Was he supposed to go in when it looked like Sehun didn’t even want him there? He doesn’t want to ruin the guy’s day. But… he did invite him in.

Jongin hesitated for a few seconds before decided to go in for just a short while. As he entered the kitchen, he saw Sehun and Chanyeol and caught the end of the sentence that came out of Sehun’s mouth.

"… would you invite him here? Are you crazy?" Sehun hissed and once again, Jongin felt his skin got sliced open by his words.

Chanyeol’s eyes widen as they locked with his and a huge smile appeared on his face. "Hey, Jongin, you came!"

Jongin saw Sehun stiffened before turning around to stare at him for a few seconds. He heard the guy curse under his breath again before making his way out of the kitchen and Jongin couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was going on with him as he stared at his retreating back.

"Just ignore him," Chanyeol said as he clapped his shoulder. "He’s got issues. But, I’m glad you came, man!"

Jongin turned to him and flashed him a smile which made Chanyeol’s smile grew wider.

Happy Birthday, Oh Sehun || SeKai [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now