Chapter 1

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Kitty sighed in the backseat, her dark brown eyes glancing at the town ahead: even though she had lived here, she had never left the house. Except for school, where she rarely spoke. So even though she was returning to her hometown, it didn't feel like home. It had been 3 years since she had last stepped here, her breaths grew shakier as they finally pulled over in front of a house. "Alright kiddos, let's get out there!" The Evans, who were adults, called to the younger Evans, and Kitty. Y/n looked over at Kitty, holding her hand, "You okay?" She asked with a smile,
"I'm fine! I don't care, alright?" Kitty grumbled, grabbing a few of her bags and running to the room she wanted. She was smart, she grabbed the first floor bedroom, her parents had chosen the second floor, leaving her siblings to the third floor. This meant she could easily leave whenever she wanted, get food whenever she wanted, and do whatever she wanted because nobody would hear a thing. She quickly began unpacking. The furniture that needed to be built had been done prior to them arriving, leaving it simple for her to place the black and blue sheets and comforters. Topping it off with a stuffed animal Gizmo, and two pillows, which were both black or blue. Her room looked pretty goth to her siblings, but the truth was she wasn't goth at all. She glanced at the walls of her room, they were a blue that matched her comforters and pillows, she then began to unpack her clothes into the closet. It took her about an hour and a half before she finished, her siblings were going to take at least another two.

Kitty smirked, running outside in her denim jacket and skinny jeans. Her feet were covered by black converses, and her hair was down. Allowing the wind to blow her dark chocolate brown hair flow all wild as she sped down the streets. She hated where they lived already, sure it was a nice house, but it was too big to be cozy, and worst of all-they lived all around the socs. She knew about them, about how they hated the greasers. But the greasers were way better in her mind, so she continued to run, the scents of her old town reminding her of her past, drunk parents and abuse every night. She was glad to be away from it but she never knew what happened to her parents, so for all she knew, they were still here or in jail. The only thing she wanted to know from them was why she was named Kitty-suddenly, Kitty slipped, face planting into the dirt, earning a stifled laugh from somebody. She looked up, her face a bright red.
"The name's Dallas, who are you-clutz?"
Kitty grumbled, "The name's Kitty, mister Dallas Winston." Dallas raised his brow,
"You know me?"
"Course I do. I lived here for years, moved away for 3 and then moved back. First day back in this dump." She chuckled,
"What made ya leave?"
" problems."
"We all got them around this side, I got a second question."
"Who named you Kitty? And why?"
"Parents, obviously. And I don't know why to be honest." Dallas nodded,
"You ever met Johnny?"
"Maybe, why?"
"You look a whole lot like Johnny-'Cept his hair's a bit darker."
"Maybe you'll introduce us."
"Maybe I will, where you live?"
Kitty sighed, "I live on the "soc" side. Used to live on your turf-before all the fostering."
"So you're a soc on the outside and inside?"
"No, I'll never be one of them on the inside. I'm a greaser at heart."
Dallas nodded,
"Good, you're too pretty to be one of them Socs."
Kitty blushed, "Oh..thanks."
"I'm serious, they all look ugly with their makeup poured all over their faces."
Kitty nodded,
"Wanna introduce me to your friends or
am I too soc?"

Kitty followed Dally inside, earning a few hellos from some of the guys. "Umm, hey guys. I'm Kitty, Kat whatever works.." she nervously stuttered.
"Darry, that's Ponyboy and Sodapop. We're the curtis brothers."
"That's my best bud, Steve!"
"Oh hey, I'm TwoBit!"
"That's Johnny over there,"
"Well. Hi everyone."
Kitty awkwardly took a seat next to Dally, talking to the guys and trying to play her nerves off.
"So uh, can I have some chocolate cake?"
"Ponyboy, go get some cake would ya?" Sodapop called,
"There's no damn cake-TWOBIT!"
"Hey hey, hey, now, it's a good cake alright?"
"Well hand it over then." Kitty grumbled and took a bite off his plate, "Oh that's really good!" She said through a mouthful as the guys started laughing.
Y/n sat in her room, going through her stuff. She redid her makeup and dressed up in her favorite colored mini skirt, she then had a button up on which matched the skirt, with a white tank top underneath. She then topped it all off with her brown, leather boots, and a favorite colored bow in her hair. She smirked and continued to glance at the mirror, "Perfect." Y/n walked down the stairs, and headed out to the town, she decided to go to the Dairy Queen first, where she saw a few other Socs. "Hey, I'm Y/n." She greeted, a red headed girl invited her to sit down with them, "I'm Cherry, that's Bob, Marcia, and Randy. You must be new, so welcome to Tulsa." "Thank you!" You chirped, smiling at the group. "So uh, Cherry, can you fill me in?"
"Oh boy, I guess I could." The group went on to explain to y/n that the greasers were horrible people, leaving everything bad they've ever done to the greasers out of the explanation. Y/n thought the greasers were horrible people now, she didn't have to meet them to think they were trash. She wouldn't be caught dead with greasers.

1,000 words ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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