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The time went by and we learned very much about each other. I think Joey and Ray could be friends but idk.

"I have to go now" Ray said standing up.

"Oh okay bye!" I said hugging him

"Bye!" Joey said

Joey and I sat back down again.

"Do you still don't like him?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Nah, actually he's pretty cool" he said smiling at me

"See! I told you" I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Babe?" He asked

"Yes?" I replied

"I love you!" He said and I blushed

"I love you too Jojo" I said

"Soo...we are alone now" he said smirking

"And..?" I asked chuckling

"Let's make this a date!" He said excited.

"Okay" I said giggling

He grabbed my hand and we walked out of Starbucks. We walked in a park and just walked around holding hands. Then all of a sudden we heard some screams. We turned around and saw a group of girls running towards us.

"OMG! Y/N! I Love you can we take a picture?" A girl asked

"Yes of course!" I said and we took pics.

"JOEYYYY OMG!!!" She screamed and jumped on him.

He laughed and I laughed too. It was so cute tbh. I took some pics with the other ones and Joey did too, then they thanked us and left. We kept walking and then sat down on a bench. Joey had his arm around my shoulder. We talked about random stuff and then I got a call from Jake.

Y: Hello?

J: Hey, umm I wanted to ask you where you are I mean I was at your room but you wasn't there

Y: Yes I met a friend with Joey and now Joey and I are at the park

J: oh okay

Y: why tho?

J: oh I don't know I was just worried that I don't know something happened to you


J: hahahahah no I'm just a caring person

Y: nah you actually love me no need to lie Jakey

J: well you got me😅

Y: Ha! See! I knew it! Love ya too!

J: okay well, when are you coming back?

Y: Why?

J: I don't know just wanted to hang out with you.. you know

Y: we'll be there in 10!

J: okay bye love you!

Y: Love you too! Bye!

I hung up and told Joey. We were on our way and held hands. We arrived and I saw Jake running towards us. I didn't knew what was going on. He ran up to me and hugged me I was really confused but I hugged back.

"Are you okay?" I whispered in his ear

"Yeah I just miss spending time with you alone..." he whispered back

"Me too!" I whispered back

He pulled away and smiled at me

"What about we're doing a sibling day just U and I?" He asked excited

"Yes! That would be awesome!" I said happy

"Where is our next show?" He asked

"New York I think" I said

"Do you know when we're leaving?" He asked

"Tomorrow at 11am" I answered

"Oh that early?" He whined

"Yup" I giggled at his reaction

Idek what this is

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