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Any girl that gets up and spends God knows how long on makeup then ties their hair in a 'messy' bun. Leaves their house with something that has a popular sports or clothing logo on it. Such as a PINK shirt or a NIKE pair of shoes. It's adorable.


Them TRYING to look like a person is adorable.

I've seen people that resemble barbie dolls more than an actual teenager.

The worst part is grown women do it too.

I understand kids are impacted by their environment but if you are so close minded that you feel like you have to be like every other rich kid then you have another thing coming.

You are going to spend your whole life thinking all that matters is money or makeup or some shit.

I personally rarely wear makeup, wear jeans, reebok shoes. Mix-match socks. I leave my hair down. And my shirts are usually just some t-shirt. I look presentable most of the time.

Accept who you are and just put the fucking concealer down.

The comments too are hilarious. If I'm a disgusting person because I DON'T cover every inch of my skin in makeup or show off as much cleavage as possible then our gene:vrration is just getting less and less intelligent.

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