Perfect Little Kitten

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            This is for Too_WeirdFor_You 's writing challenge.



           The streets were bustling with cars and people alike-loud chatter strewn here and there. Many topics bounced off one person to the next within minutes of the news being delivered, so it was no surprise to    (m/n) when he heard the recent headlines being the hot topic of discussion. Most would be intrigued by the odd and unusual conversations, but to him it was just your average gossip. His mind was focused on something else anyway: his boyfriend.

            As cheesy as it may sound, he was all (m/n) could think about. He thought on about his beloved Hercules, drowning out phrases such as, 'cats with no tails', and, 'left only bloodied stumps'.

              He sighed dreamily as he recalled the man's most attractive features; his dazzling eyes, soft hair, bashful smile, stunning figure, and his charming love for cats. (m/n)'s cheeks gained a rosy hue as his thoughts slowly became more lewd and explicit.

He quickly shook his head and silently scolded himself for daydreaming of such lewd things. He pushed the sinful wish to the back of his head as he remembered the main reason he was in the city in the first place: getting to Hercules's house. He stared forward with a determined look on his face as he began the short trek to the greek's house.

      (m/n) took his phone out of his pockets and checked his GPS. He let out an exasperated sigh as he saw he had made close to no progress. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and proceeded to mutter about his boyfriend's house being too damn far away. He looked around himself, taking in the beautiful scenery. Might as well enjoy the view, right?

He resumed his pace, still studying his surroundings. He was amazed at the wonders of of nature; Untamed vines, large trees, stunning patches of flowers that littered the la- (m/n) hissed as he came in contact with a strange object.

He keeled over and held his
crotch, trying his hardest not to vomit over the sidewalk. By the sturdiness and sheer strength of the object, he could conclude that it was in fact metal. He glanced in front of him to confirm his suspicions. Yep, it was a newspaper box.

            (m/n) slowly crawled towards the newspaper box and leaned against the box. He sat down, still trying not to puke up his shabby and quick breakfast.

     After about 2 and a half minutes of resting later, he decided he was going to stay here for about another 10. Thinking of a way to pass the time, he reached to the top of the box and groped around for the handle. After 1 minute of hopelessly groping, he found the cold metal of a the handle.

Without thinking, (m/n) swung open the door, yelping when a large piece of thin metal hit him on the head. He let out a series of loud groans before angrily snatching a newspaper and closing the door.

        (m/n) opened the newspaper and began reading an article named 'The Tailnapper!'. He laughed at the terrible headline. His eyebrows raised as he got deeper into the story.

"In recent news, a serial tail remover is on the run. For the past few weeks, over 26 cats without tails have been discovered in and near Saunter's Park..."

(m/n) became lost in thought as he tried to remember the location of the park. His eyes widened. That park was just down the street Hercules lives on. Quickly deciding that he'd rested long enough, (m/n) hopped up and walked to his boyfriend's house with haste. What if Hercules found one of those cats? He'd be devastated.

My Perfect Little Kitten      |Greece x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now