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Your pov
Dean: What are we going to do
Me: Do you remember the crossroads demon
Dean: You want to make a deal
Me: Ya
Time skip for lazyness
We walk into the room and Jo and Sam are sitting at the table I run over and hug Jo then kiss Sam
Sam: Wow
Me: I love you
Jo: Um.. I thought we were dead then I wake up and Sara hugs me
Sara: Sorry
Jo: Boundaries
Me: Get over it
Sam: So what happened
Dean: You were in comas and Jo came and Stitched you guys up and you finally woke up
Sara gives us a look to but not notice able Sam and Jo
Sam and Jo: Ok um...
Bobby walks in and sees them then gives us a dirty look
Me: Hey me Bobby and Sara need to finish up the hunt we just ended
We walked out side the shack we were staying in
Bobby: What did you and the igit do
Me: Sold our souls
Sara: You did what
Me: We sold our souls
Bobby: How long
Me: A year
Bobby: Oh balls
Sara: Wow I hace two new sisters and one only has a year to live
Me: Well small price to pay
Bobby: Why do you think that
Me: I am married now and have a baby on the way
Sara: What
Me: My baby's not gonna live without a father and Jo will be the desinated mother
Me: And Dean is gonna live out the year then before the hell hound gets him he will have someone shoot him and so will I
Me: No someone who has known me longer
Sara: Jo
Me: Ya
After arguing they gave up and we walked into the room
Me: Sam can I talk to you for a minute
Sam: Of course
Me: I'm pregnant
Sam kisses me and smiles I smile back we walk back into the shack
Me: Jo me, Sam, and Dean need to talk to you
We all walk out of the shack and me and Dean explain the deal then I tell Ji what she has to do for us and she yells at me about dieing before I can keep my baby safe I told her the the baby would be safer without me then Ruby appers
Ruby: Hey love birds and you forgot to use protection at the worst time remember a war is happening and you and yoir baby will probably die two half demons make a demon
Me: You stay away from me my baby and my husband
Ruby laughs at me and gives me a not for long look that Sam didn't see then I slap her
Me: You wont get my family
I walked away Sam followed me then I look back at her and give her a bragy look
Time skip to dwath day
Me: Lillith weres Ruby
Lillith: Well she was a very bad girl and she likes to rake other peoples toys
Me: Believe me I know
Lillith: But just give up puppy chow
She opened the door next thing I know Me and Dean are being ripped apart then every thing goes black
4 months later
I look up and see wood I push the wood and dirt hits my face and I thought shit I dug my out of the ground and looked over and saw Dean
Me: Dean
Dean: Y/N
I get up and ran to him
Dean: Go easy on your self
Me: I need to find Sam and Emma
Emma is her daughter's name
Dean: Look theres a gas station
We ran to the station and I saw a car
Me: You go in and get everything and I will hot wire the car
I hat just finshed with the car and the windows to the gas station exploded then Dean runs out of the store into the car
Me: We're going to Bobbies
Dean: But Sam, Jo, and Emma
Me: If they are smart they left Emma with Bobby
I grabed my phone and called Jo
Jo: Who is this
Me: Jo Its Y/N
Jo: Prove it
Me: Your name Is Jo Kat L/N your an aunt to Emma Rose Winchester and Your sisters with me Y/N M/N L/N
Jo: Ok so were are you
Me: On our way to Bobbies
Jo: Who are you with
Me: Dean
Jo: Ok um.. Bye
Me: By
Time skip to Bobbies
I open the door and get pushed up against the wall I tell him information about himself and Me
Bobby: Good to see you again and is Dean alive again to
Dean: You tell me
Bobby hugs Dean
Me: Weres Emma
Bobby: Upstairs
I run up the stairs to my daughter she is sleeping in her crib and I pick her up
Me: Emma dont worry mommy loves you and so does daddy
My phone goes off and I abswer it before Emma wakes up
Me: Hello who is this
Sam: The father to your child
Me: Sam were are you
Sam: On my way
Me: See you soon
Sam: Love you bye
Me: Love you too by
We get off the phone and I put Emma in her crib and walked down stairs
Dean: How is she
Me: Perfect
Dean: Damn straight
Me: Wow who would've thought
Dean: What
Me: That its not horrible being family with you
Dean: Well she did come from my brother
Me: And me
Dean: So were is her
Me: on his way but I have to show you something
I pulled out a knife the one we used to kill demons
Dean: How did you get that
Me: I woke up with it
Dean: Sam did something
Me: I know and I think someone helped
Dean: Like who
Me: Think long and hard
Dean: Ruby
Me: Yep and now I'm pissed
Dean: Why I know how you feel about her
Me: I've been dead for four months she wants him she wants me to hurt
Dean: Wow
Sam and a brown haired chick walks in
Me: Hi Sam Hi Ruby
Ruby: How'd you know
Me: Who else would you be and leave now or you wont be able to leave hell
Sam: Enough
Me: Let me guess you and Ruby
Sam: No
Me: Ya right
I go to walk off and Sam grabs my arm and turns me around and kisses me
Sam: Do you believe me now
Me: Maybe oh and the whore leaves oh and what happened to you
Sam: What
Me: Your hair is so long and straight
Dean: I always knew you were a girl
Sam: Fuck off
Dean: Bitch
Sam: Jerk
Me: Sam what were you up to while I was away
Sam: Hunting
Me: Without this
I said holding up the knife
Sam: I've been exorcising then
Dean: So your the exorsist
Sam: I've been killing other things to
Me: I think we should lay low for a while and protect Emma
Sam: Agreed
We look at Dean
Dean: Of course
Me: But one thing first
Sam: What
Me: No more Ruby
Sam: She's not a bad demon
Me: Yes she is she wants to distroy my family and there's no way I'm letting that happen
Sam: What are you saying
Me: We cut her off no more talking or communicating with her
Sam: About distroying our family
Me: Ever since we met her shes been threatening to replace me break us up and get with you
Sam sits as if he was thinking
Sam: Why didn't you tell me
Me: Reasons
Sam: Well ok no communication let me tell her to leave
Sam's pov
I walk to the other room and up the stairs
Ruby: Your going to leave me for that whore aren't you
Me: Hey thats my wife your talking about
Ruby kisses me I pull away
Me: Stop
Ruby: Of course your old girl leaves hell and you leave me is that it
Me: I have a family with her
Ruby: A baby thats it when you could have so much with me
Me: Well I love her
Ruby: I thought I meant something to you
She walks out the house and Y/N sees her and salts the door behind her
Your pov
Me: Thanks
I grab Sam's hand and we walk up the stairs to our daughter
Sam: She looks just like you
Me: Really I'm not that perfect
Sam: Yes you are
Emma looks up at us
Me: I love you
Sam: We both do
Castiel appered out of no were
Sam: Who are you how'd you get in the place is salted
Me: Sam he's an angel he rose me and Dean from hell
Castiel: I'm Castiel angle and warrior of the lord
Sam: Um... What do I say
Me: Get over it
Castiel: Who's the baby behind you is that Emma Rose Winchester
Me: Yes why
Castiel: I was orrdered to protect her and that means I cant leave her side
Me: Shit well you can be around her just you cant take her
Castiel: Deal
Sam: I dont understand protect her from what
Castiel: I dont know I was told something wants her dead and I need to protect her
Sorry I know to many cliff hangers but I do them when I dont know what to do next but I do but I dont like woman in white I know they already got rid of her but another one this one in Kansas City Missouri
So feel free to leave recommendations  dont go getting yourselves killed your no use to anyone dead and you are all beautiful people hope you like this story and vote if you do

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