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Random OTP things

-Who worries about what they will look like when they are older?

Most likely Astrid, simply because she scared she'll be too frail to fight

-Who hogs the blanket?

Astrid. She's wearing short sleeves it the tundras of the northern hemisphere, she must be freezing during the day.

-Who eats the other's uneaten pizza crusts?

Hiccup. Oh come on, that makes sense, right?

-Who is more likely to cry over a sad book/ movie?

It really depends. If romance is threatened, it's Astrid. If an animal is threatened, it's Hiccup.

-Who talks smack while playing video games?

Hiccup, hands down.

-Who sings along with the radio?

If Ed Sheeran is on, Hiccup and Astrid are singing with him.

-Who would enter them both in a talent show?

Astrid, probs.

-Who would accidentally set fire to the kitchen while cooking?


-Who would throw the other in the pool?

Snotlout would push Hiccup in, and pull Astrid in.

-Who buys the groceries?

They switch out each week

-Who kills the spiders?

Please see Drabble 20

-Who is the morning/night person?

Hiccup owns a Night Fury and Astrid gets up early to fly Stormfly. It explains itself.


Hiccup would be stuttering and Gobber would have to swoop in.


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