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Once again, I sang in the kitchen. The acoustics in my old childhood home still made me feel like I was the greatest vocalist ever.
I really sang anything that I could remember, it helped me cook. An hour I was in the living room/kitchen and I had to use the restroom. I set the boiling water on low and hurried away, singing still. I didn't recall hearing the door open, but then again, I couldn't hear anything over my voice. Sing sing, la-dee-da...
I reentered the kitchen and stirred my noodles. I had an idea. I jumped up and ran over to my old piano, showing no mercy as I slammed down the beginning notes of the theme to The Phantom of the Opera.
I hadn't watched the movie or seen the opera in so long, so I was surprised when I could still remember the words.
I rushed over to my noodles and continued when it was the right time.
"In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he caaaame~" I sang out. When Christine's part was up I waited the correct amount of rests till I continued again.
"Sing once a-"
"Sing once again with me, our strange dueeeeet~" I gasped and dropped my wooden cooking spoon, covering my mouth in shock. He came around the corner and began the Phantom's part, sitting himself down at the dinning table. I cried his name again.
"What are you doing here?"
He pressed his finger to his open mouth singing, "the Phaaaaantom of the opera is there, inside your miiind~"
I snickered and picked up my spoon, rinsing it off.
I hadn't known he was there, I wasn't going to keep singing, I hated doing it in front of anyone; especially him.
He cleared his throaty loudly, and I shook my head.
"Those aren't the lyrics."
"No," I laughed, stirring the cheese powder in.
"I think you're thinking of a different song," he fake-pondered, tapping his chin. "Remember, this one goes like, 'those who have seeen your face...'" he sang off pitch, imitating Christine. I snorted and covered my face. "Come on~"
I looked at him through my fingers, removing my hands, and picking up the spoon to continue stirring.
"Those who have seeen your face, draw back in feear. I am the mask you wear-"
"-it's me they hear~"
Our voices overlapped each other and the harmonies were amplified against the high ceilings.
By the time we had finished, I had served myself and offered him some.
"What? No, it's not done yet!" He whined grabbing a bowl from the cupboard.
I smiled at him, "I can't go that high!"
He pouted and I playfully shoved him.
"Sing, my angel!" I giggled and started walking away. "Sing for me!"
I turned and gave him a "really" look.
Sighing I opened my mouth and vocalized quietly.
"Sing, my angel of music!"
"AHHH!!!!!!!" I laughed at myself as I climbed higher and higher out of my range.
"Sing for me!"
I tried, but my voice cracked and died away. He was grinning and he came over to grabbed my head with both hands and kiss the top of it.
"Go away, you!" I squirmed but he picked me up and gave me a strong-Greek hug, taking my breath away.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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